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describe.skip(`create new DDI batch`, () => {
describe.skip('onLoad the create new DDI Batch', () => {
it('visit route create-DDI-Batch', () => {})
it('should render the headers 5 fields', () => {})
it('should Display the auto generated Batch Ref no', () => {})

describe.skip('when user keyin/input the value in batch Name', () => {
it('By default this field should be blank', () => {})
it('should n't accept more than 35 chars in the batch name field', () => {})
it('should update the header on focus out', () => {})
it("input chars which are not valid should render grm with message", () => {})
describe.skip('should render credit account on click', () => {
it('should render the credit accounts on click of autosuggest field', () => {})
it('should render the accounts in the format <><><ccy code><company name><bankcode><ctrycode>', () => {})
it('should search on the above format given', () => {})
it("select the account from auto-suggest", () => {})
it('should update the header on selection', () => {})
it('on hover of credit account in the header should render the tooltip for detailed info', () => {})
it("should display the credit account selected below the account field as secondary label", () => {})
it("click on the favourite icon in the account field should fill the fav icon", () => {})
it("click on cross icon in the account field to clear the values", () => {})
it("select another account", () => {})
it("change of account need to clear header, secondary label and fav/unfav icon", () => {})
it('should show filtered list of records after enter 3 or more characters', () => {})
describe('On enabling/disabling add new DDI', () => {
it('should be disabled by default', () => {})
it('should be enabled if both the fields value entered', () => {})
it('should be disabled any errors in the batch name and credit account field', () => {})
it('should route to the new DDI form on click', () => {})
describe('render ddi list on addnew DDI', () => {
it('should render "no records to show" message in the list body', () => {})
it('should render 7 columns', () => {})
it('should render column header and values', () => {})
//Add add new DDI testcases here
it('should be able to sort all the 7 columns by clicking the header sort icon', () => {})
it('should show secondary actions <print><view><export><delete>', () => {})
it('click on <view> action should route to summary view', () => {})
describe.skip('click on <delete> secondary action', () => {
it('should show overlay', () => {})
it('click on Yes should delete and show toast message', () => {})
it('click on No should close the overlay', () => {})
it('select one or more DDI to perform multiple actios should render action menu with buttons', () => {})
describe.skip('click on <delete> multi select actions', () => {
it('should show overlay', () => {})
it('click on Yes should delete and show toast message', () => {})
it('click on No should close the overlay', () => {})
it('can filter the DDI List by clicking filter icon in the list tab header', () => {})
it('should render 7 filter options', () => {})
it('click on apply with input/select values should render the filtered list', () => {})
it('on click clear all in filter box should back the list as default descending order', () => {})
it('can sort the DDI List by clicking sort icon in the list tab header', () => {})
it('should render 7 sort options', () => {})
it('can drag and drop the columns to sort based on the priority then click apply', () => {})

it('should show show more button at end', () => {})
it('should load next set of reocrds on show more button click', () => {})
describe.skip(`Edit DDI batch`, () => {
describe.skip('onLoad', () => {
it('visit route edit-DDI-Batch', () => {})
it('should render the headers 5 fields with values', () => {})
it('should render all the fields(with auto populated) and DDI', () => {})
describe('on change/clear of credit account should prompt a dialog', () => {
it('on click of YES should clear all the values and DDI list', () => {})
it('on click of NO should close the dialog', () => {})

describe.skip('Save and submit Button ,', () => {
it('should be enabled only if all the mandatory information is provided as per the field matrix', () => {})

describe.skip('on Click submit ,', () => {
it('should re-rerun all validations with respect to each field in the current DDI form', () => {})

it('should highlight the respective field in RED with the error message under the field, if the vaildation fails during the re-validation', () => {})

describe.skip('if validation is success,', () => {
it('should trigger the submit overlay with message', () => {})
describe.skip('on click submit ,', () => {
it("on click of submit button navigate to confirmation page", () => {})
it("should render page with successful message", () => {})
it('should show APPROVE BATCH button if the requestor is an approver', () => {})
it("click the add Approvers and select the approvers from list", () => {})
it('click on Alert Approver button should show toast message', () => {})
it("should display the possible action buttons in the'Related Actions' section such as Copy Batch, Manage DDI, Authorize Batch", () => {})
it("on click of cancel button should close the overlay", () => {})
describe.skip('on click save Button ,', () => {
it('if validation success system should save the DDI batch and trigger the toast with save succesfull message', () => {})
it('save validation fails system should trigger the toast with failure message', () => {})

describe.skip('should display Cancel Button', () => {
describe.skip('on click,', () => {
it("should prompt the user with a warning message'Do you want cancel this?' in a dialog box with a Yes/No option.", () => {})

describe.skip("If User Chooses'YES',", () => {
it('redirect to the previous screen', () => {})

describe.skip("If User Chooses'NO',", () => {
it('should close the dialog box', () => {})
it('should retain the values entered by user in the DDI batch', () => {})

describe.skip(`create new Mandate batch`, () => {
describe.skip('onLoad the create new mandate Batch', () => {
it('visit route create-DDA-Batch', () => {})
it('should render the headers 4 fields', () => {})
it('should Display the auto generated Batch Ref no', () => {})

describe.skip('When user keyin/input the value in batch Name', () => {
it('By default this field should be blank', () => {})
it('should n't accept more than 35 chars in the batch name field', () => {})
it('should update the header on focus out', () => {})
it("input chars which are not valid should render grm with message", () => {})
describe.skip('should render credit account on click', () => {
it('should render the credit accounts on click of autosuggest field', () => {})
it('should render the accounts in the format <><><ccy code><company name><bankcode><ctrycode>', () => {})
it('should search on the above format given', () => {})
it("select the account from auto-suggest", () => {})
it('should update the header on selection', () => {})
it('on hover of credit account in the header should render the tooltip for detailed info', () => {})
it("should display the credit account selected below the account field as secondary label", () => {})
it("click on the favourite icon in the account field should fill the fav icon", () => {})
it("click on cross icon in the account field to clear the values", () => {})
it("select another account", () => {})
it("change of account need to clear header, secondary label and fav/unfav icon", () => {})
it('should show filtered list of records after enter 3 or more characters', () => {})
// Country specific
describe.skip('check the User Identification', () => {
it('field has input of type text', () => {})
it('value is based on a specific country', () => {})
it('validate the field when clicking the add new mandate button', () => {})
// Country specific ends here
describe('on enabling/disabling add new DDA', () => {
it('should be disabled by default', () => {})
it('should be enabled if both the fields value entered', () => {})
it('should be disabled any errors in the batch name and credit account field', () => {})
it('should route to the new DDA form on click', () => {})
//story SD-22811
describe.skip('check batch upload',()=>{
it('should allowe extension files to upload are in .ZIP, .PDF, .JPEG, .JPG, .GIF, .PNG, .TIFF, .TIF format', () => {})
it('can click browse button', () => {})
it('select & verify the uploaded file extensions with other extensions to capture the error message', () => {})
it('can click browse button', () => {})
it('able to select multiple files to upload in a single browse click', () => {})
describe.skip('after selecting the files the uploaded files',()=>{
it('should show a progess bar', () => {})
it('make the count of total number of completed files to upload', () => {})
it('successfully uploaded files need to be displayed in the thumbnail view if not matched with any DDA', () => {})
it('drag one unlinked file from thumbnail view and drop to respective Mandate records should add the files for that record', () => {})
it('click on the thumbnail list arrow button to view other unlinked images', () => {})
it('drag multiple unlinked files from thumbnail view and drop to respective Mandate records should add the files for that record', () => {})
it('drag multiple unlinked files from thumbnail view and drop to respective Mandate records should add the files for that record', () => {})
it('click on close icon on thumbnail on thumbnail view should remove from the unlinked list', () => {})
it('click on Link Attachments to auto link the files to the respective manadates', () => {})
it('click on Remove All to remove all from unlinked list', () => {})
describe.skip('click on the thumbnail to open a overlay with image', () => {
it('should show the attachment file name', () => {})
it('should show the file preview', () => {})
it('should show the dropdown with all the mandate list under this batch', () => {})
it('can able to link it to DDA after select a DDA', () => {})
it('can able to delete it from unlink list and should display the next thumbnail', () => {})
it('click on arrow buttons to show prev/next thumbnail', () => {})
it('click on close button to go back to the DDA initiation page', () => {})
it('on click on any menu or links ot ouf this section should show a dialog', () => {}) //need to check with BA

describe('render dda list on addnew DDA', () => {
it('should render "no records to show" message in the list body', () => {})
it('should render 6 columns', () => {})
it('should render column header and values', () => {})
//Add "add new DDA" testcases here
it('should be able to sort all the 6 columns by clicking the header sort icon', () => {})
it('should show secondary actions <print><view><export><delete>', () => {})
it('click on <view> action should route to summary view', () => {})
describe.skip('click on <delete> secondary action', () => {
it('should show overlay', () => {})
it('click on Yes should delete and show toast message', () => {})
it('click on No should close the overlay', () => {})
it('select one or more DDA to perform multiple actios should render action menu with buttons', () => {})
describe.skip('click on <delete> multi select actions', () => {
it('should show overlay', () => {})
it('click on Yes should delete and show toast message', () => {})
it('click on No should close the overlay', () => {})
it('can filter the DDA List by clicking filter icon in the list tab header', () => {})
it('should render 6 filter options', () => {})
it('click on apply with input/select values should render the filtered list', () => {})
it('on click clear all in filter box should back the list as default descending order', () => {}
it('can sort the DDA List by clicking sort icon in the list tab header', () => {})
it('should render 6 sort options', () => {})
it('can drag and drop the columns to sort based on the priority then click apply', () => {})

it('should show show more button at end', () => {})
it('should load next set of reocrds on show more button click', () => {})
describe.skip(`Edit DDA batch`, () => {
describe.skip('onLoad', () => {
it('visit route edit-DDA-Batch', () => {})
it('should render the headers 4 fields with values', () => {})
it('should render all the fields(with auto populated) and DDA', () => {})
describe('on change/clear of credit account should prompt a dialog', () => {
it('on click of YES should clear all the values and DDA list', () => {})
it('on click of NO should close the dialog', () => {})

describe.skip('Save and submit Button ,', () => {
it('should be enabled only if all the mandatory information is provided as per the field matrix', () => {})

describe.skip('on Click submit ,', () => {
it('should re-rerun all validations with respect to each field in the current DDA form', () => {})

it('should highlight the respective field in RED with the error message under the field, if the vaildation fails during the re-validation', () => {})
it('should show warning prompt saying all unlink files will be lost', () => {})
it("on click of cancel button should close the overlay", () => {})
describe.skip('if validation is success,', () => {
it('should trigger the submit overlay with message', () => {})
it("onclick of submit button navigate to confirmation page", () => {})
it("should render page with successful message", () => {})
it('should show APPROVE BATCH button if the requestor is an approver', () => {})
it("click the add Approvers and select the approvers from list", () => {})
it('click on Alert Approver button should show toast message', () => {})
it("should display the possible action buttons in the'Related Actions' section such as Copy Batch, Manage DDA, Authorize Batch", () => {})

describe.skip('on click save Button ,', () => {
it('should show warning prompt saying all unlink files will be lost', () => {})
it('if validation success system should save the DDA batch and trigger the toast with save succesfull message', () => {})
it('save validation fails system should trigger the toast with failure message', () => {})
describe.skip('on click Cancel Button', () => {

it("should prompt the user with a warning message", () => {})

describe.skip("on click'YES',", () => {
it('redirect to the previous screen', () => {})

describe.skip("on click'NO'", () => {
it('should close the dialog box', () => {})
it('should retain the values entered by user in the DDA batch', () => {})


what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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