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Notes -

Motion - This house believes that competition makes the world a better place

Points :

- You focus on other people instead of yourself
- You could lose motivation

Speech :
Rebuttal - But , until that time you succeed, wont you have a low self esteem because you wont be able to beat the person at number 1 which you may have tried to beat for a long time.

Hello, my name is Vishal and I am from the team opposition. I am arguing against the motion this house believes that competition makes the world a better place because a person might focus on themselves and not worry about themselves. To explain this further, if you want to beat someone in the first place, you will most likely only focus on them and not worry about themselves. This can cause them to practice that specific thing. now, you might think of this as a good thing but , if you only focus on trying to beat that person, it can lead to you not focusing on other things that are just as , if not, more important than the thing you are trying to do. For example, say you were in a sports competition, you would be focused on beating the person at number 1. This could lead to you not focusing on something more important such as studies , which are an essential part of your life. Therefore, I believe This house believes that competition makes the world a better place because it will make you focus on other people instead of yourself.

speech 2 :

Hello, my name is Vishal and I am from the team opposition. I am arguing against the motion this house believes that competition makes the world a better place because you could lose motivation. To explain this further, linking to my first speech, if you are so focused to beat the person at number 1, what do you think would happen to yourself if you are beat by the person on the number 1 person? You will most likely feel sad and annoyed. This would cause you to fell less and less motivated to pursue that

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Regards; Team

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