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New questions and situations will be added further down the line
Q: When are the updates coming
A: Updates are usually made around 3 PM, 8 PM, and midnight of the GMT. There is a rare chance I will be able to post at 7 AM GMT before my work. I myself operate under CET. So far the players were predominately Americans, hence why the relatively rare and "late" updates.

Q: I want to join, but the game is running for so long. How can I catch up, if at all?
A: You recieve a number of 2d100 rolls equal to the turns you weren't present. For the sake of everyone's sanity, however, never, ever, roll more than 10d100 at once - it will not only make the RNG go wild, but also be pain to calculate.

Q: Do I need to list my things for each roll to receive bonus?
A: No, this is done by GM, as a way to make sure actual, useful things are used, as opposed to random stuff thrown on the project.

Q: But?
A: You HAVE TO list the things you are using for construction of units. Depending on what you use as ingredients, you are going to receive different results and different "power" of said unit

Q: Speaking of Power, what that stat actually does?
A: It's the general measurement of your capacity of doing various things. The bigger stuff gets, the more expansive your research and infrastructure, the longer everything is going to take. Power allows to overcome those issues. It also counts as a passive bonus to various things. The exact same thing is about Technology, but applies to research specifically.

Q: Cool, so I can just spam actions about rising my Power and Technology, right?
A: Nope, because unless you plan to be stuck with extremely long action to finish, you first need to build up and research stuff with your sub-par capacity. This in turn will make increasing the raw stats easier and faster

Q: I've tried to recruit soldiers, but all I've got was just handful of dudes or a single unit, despite having all those techs and buildings. What's wrong?
A: As mentioned before, you HAVE TO list things you want to use for training new or retraining existing units. Otherwise, they will be just a quick, lowest effort training, being fast to finish, but also giving sub-par results

Q: My population is not growing, how come?
A: Population is for the most part accounted each 10 turns, as a percentage growth of a population, based on the existing infrastrucute, techs and other factors. There might be some specific ations that will instantly increase your population, but they are rare. Bulk of it comes from passive growth

Q: What is that I attatched to my finished action?
A: It means tier. And that's Roman numeral. Tiers go from I to V and are very important for calculations, so make sure you have proper tiers listed.

Q: Then what (1/1) means?
A: Either it's an effect lasting for a single turn (unlikely) or one-use consumable that will provide significant bonus to action it is consumed by. In fact, the bonus might even instantly finish the action.

Q: Some players have resources listed, other do not. Why?
A: Depends on how big is the infrastructure providing given thing and/if other variables were used for the calculation. Genrally, the bigger the infrastructure, the more likely it will result in producing resources. Those in turn can be used to enhance outcome of actions that would require them - always easier to outfit soldiers with arms if you have metal and build things with bricks.

Q: Units have those weird things in brackets, like [Huge] or [Undead]. What those do?
A: Those are situational modifiers for the units in question. Rather than giving raw bonus, they activate in specific situations, allowing to have more nuanced combat scenarios.

Q: I've also noticed there are some weird ® signs to certain things. What are they?
A: Those are received from actions with a nat100 roll in them. They are unique and special stuff that can be further used for big benefits in their field.

Q: And ™ is for...?
A: Wonders. A large infrastructural projects of some specific benefit.

Q: One of my action seems to never end, I don't want to continue, but I also don't want to lose the progress. What now?
A: Simply declare it as "On Hold" in your next move. This preserves the progress, but allows to switch to other things.

Q: I'm playing for a while, constantly rolling 2d100. Can I get more dice?
A: Yes.

Q: How?
A: It's a builder. Go figure. It's not that hard. So far building large wonders and achieving tier V expansion seemed to work just fine.
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