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Cypress ความสำคัญ
Species: Cupressue Sem pervirens
Gen6: 11-21

All together, there are about twenty references to Cypress in the bible. The common Cypress is a native of Bible Land. Ethno-botanists say about 3000 genres of plants are found in the Holy Land and it's surrounding regions of East Mediterranean and S.W Asia. The common cypress has kinship with such humbler evergreens as firs, pines, cedars, birches and poplars. It is upright, conical in shape, pointing upward, It is strong, long living, enduring several centuries. It grows very large; some species spread to a girth of about 80 feet (24meters) while raising 150feet (64meters) tall. The branches very in color and shape; some have light-green needle-like leaves and round cones the size of walnuts, and some are candle-shaped evergreens. It is insect, decay and corrosion resistant.
Apart from it's wind distribution as a member of the family of conifers in the region, Cypress comes under a variety of names: Bald Cypress, Lawson Cypress, Monterey Cypress, Patagonian Cypress and the like. Many conifers like the Cypress stand upright, rising tall to a height of 130 and are shaped like a cone. It's tiny, evergreen dark green leaves provide a source from which Cypress Oil is distilled. Cypress Oil is also distilled from it's branches and the gender specific cones. The male cones are yellowish. Female cones are green when unripe and brown when ripe. The oil has a refreshing camphor-like resinous fragrance. It forms one of the ingredients used in perfumes, after shave lotions and soaps.

Astringent, antispasmodic, anthelmintic, antipyretic, anti-rheumatic; antiseptic.

Medicinal Uses
The cones and young branches are anthelmintic (anti-parasites), antipyretic (reduces fever), anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, astringent, balsamic and vasoconstrictive (narrows blood vessels). They are harvested in late winter and early spring, and then dried for later use. Taken internally, cypress is used in the treatment of whooping cough, the spitting up of blood, spasmodic coughs, flu and sore throats. It's astringency and vein constricting properties are potent agents for aromatherapists in the treatment of broken capillaries, and in the reduction of excess fluid such s cellulite and heavy menstruation. Cypress is also used as a tonic improve circulation, and in the treating hemorrhoids.

External use
Applied externally as a lotion or as a diluted essential oil preferably with almond oil, it astringes varicose veins and hemorrhoids, tightening up the blood vessels. A footbath of the cones is used to cleanse the feet and counter excessive sweating. The extracted essential oil should not be taken internally without professional guidance. A resin is obtained from the tree by marking incisions in the trunk. This has a vulnerary action on slow-healing wounds and encourages whitlows to come to a head. An essential oil from the leaves and cones is used in aromatherapy.

Other Uses
An essential oil os distilled from the shoots. It is used in perfumery and soap making. The leaves contain about 2% essential oil whilst the wood contains about 2.5%. An infusion of the wood - fragrance is hard and durable. It is a popular wood for building, and for cabinet, especially wardrobes, since it retains its fragrance, repels moths and is impervious to woodworm.

Scipio, K. H., & Th, M. (2011). Amazing Bible Healing Plants, Remedies and Recipes. Lulu. com.

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