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I first saw him in a café, on a Friday afternoon. I was so absorbed in that story I was writing, it was a pretty capturing story sent to me by a 56 year old reader telling the story of her with her husband and how they maintained to remain together for 30 years despite of the many troubles that faced them.
Then I heard a man shouting, not in anger but more in resentment. He cut my chain of thoughts and I looked up to see that guy in the far corner of the café, he looked in his late 30's, wearing a long-sleeve dark blue plaid button-up shirt complimenting his fit figure, the sleeves rolled up showing his arms' lightly tanned skin that matched his face. He looked somewhat handsome despite the grey that's invading his rich black hair, or maybe because of it. The light beard with less traces of grey showed he hasn't shaved for perhaps a day or two. He apparently spilled the coffee on his shirt for some reason, I didn't see what happened, but he looked pretty nervous and upset. And all of a sudden, I just found myself leaving my seat and heading to him with tissues. He thanked me and mumbled in a low voice how will he be able to go to the appointment now that his clothes are all wet and dirty. I honestly don't know what I was thinking at the moment, I just subliminally offered him to come to my apartment, that was only two blocks away from the café, to change his clothes. I told him that my brother leaves some of his clothes at my place and he can use another shirt. He didn't welcome the offer at first and refused it saying it was alright, but when I insisted, he finally agreed.
I think what attracted me to talk to him is that I felt he has some intriguing story behind those heavy brown eyes that were mostly avoiding any eye contact and that quick, hesitant and shy smile.
I'm a creative nonfiction writer, and my job is to read people's stories that they send me, edit and put them in a literary form that would attract the readers to get it published. And so, I was really curious to know what his story was.
He seemed in a hurry. He changed into one of my brother's (color) that went well with his tan pants, then rushed to the front door, thanked me and promised he'll return the shirt as soon as he can and left. He barely even looked at me.
I had this thought of just going out of the house and following him, I was that much curious, but I just settled with the thought that I will meet him again to get the shirt and maybe then he won't be in a hurry and we'll get to have a talk.

Three days later, he went to her apartment to return the shirt, but she wasn't home, her brother was. So he told him in brief what happened and thanked him and left.
When she returned home, she was really upset that she didn't meet him. And there was no way that she will ever see him again. Well, unless he passes by that café again and she happens to be there at that time.
It was her favourite café. She liked to spend the time there, drinking coffee, reading and editing the readers' stories she receives. And since that day, every time she walks into the café, she looks around at all the tables wishing to find him among the (guests). Two months passed and she still does the same thing every time.
One day, while she is absorbed in reading as usual, a hesitant voice interrupts her by saying "umm.. hello?"
She lifted her head up to find him, the guy she's been waiting to see for over two months now. She looked happy and surprised. She asked him to join her.
They had a quick chat about that day they met and the shirt.
He asked her about what she's reading and she started telling him about her job and the story she's been working on at the time.
He says he remembers he once read one of these stories, he was on a long train ride going home, actually it was on the same day he met her, and he was pretty nervous and he found a paper that apparently another passenger has left it on his seat and left, so he picked it up and it was opened on that page with the story. He enjoyed it a lot and hoped he'd be able to meet the writer and tell her his story too. At a time he was in a bad need of any sort of help.
She told him that on that day she really wanted to talk with him more and hear about him, but he seemed to be in a hurry and there was no chance of a decent conversation.
She asked him if he was able to tell her that story now. At first he was a bit reluctant. He was maybe a little scared as well, even though she told him, she doesn't mention the readers name or any personal information, and all the names and places in the story are changed to fiction ones.
Anyhow, after a few minutes of thinking and her persuading him, he started talking.
He told her about that day he met her, and the appointment. Two days prior to that day he was at work when he received a phone call from a stranger telling him that someone's has stolen his car and they want a ransom if he wants it back. He thought it was some silly joke and hung up the line. But he still wanted to check on his car, so he went down to the parking lot to see if it's still there and it was. So he figured he was right, it was just a prank call. But as he turned around to go back to his office, he realized he saw something on the front of the car, was it a paper?
He returned back and moved closer to the car to find a paper stuck there . he picked it up and read it, the paper said "we know everything about you, and you will regret it if you don't listen to what you are told"
He then looked around him searching for who left that paper, but there was no one. He took the paper and went back to the office, with mixed emotions of fear and confusion. Was it also a prank? Who would do that and why? He has no enemies and he's pretty unpopular, no one cares about him enough to bother doing such games..
Later that day, after he returned home, he received another call asking him to check the front door of the house. When he did, he found a package waiting for him at the porch. He picked it up and went back inside, as he opened it, a ringing sound came from it, he proceeded to open and there was a cell phone among other things, he was too confused to pay attention to what it was, so he just picked up, and it was same voice that called him before. The man said, "You received the package, now I want you to check those papers, read them carefully and I will call you again in an hour."
The papers were lists of everything he owns, his bank account's passwords, internet history and phone numbers he called with everyone's addresses listed, and so much more. It was like a detailed log history of his whole life. He felt so exposed and afraid and (confused)
He didn't know what to do, whether he should call the police or just wait and see what that man wants…
The phone rang again just as the hour passed, he decided to wait, he was scared but he was also curios to know who this person is and what he wants. He picked up and before he listens to him he shouted, "what the hell do you want from me? And how the hell did you get all this information about me? How long have you been watching me? And what for??"
The man said, "Before I answer all those questions, I must warn you, if you ever thought of calling the police, you should know that everything you own will be gone and the police will still not find us. So, don't play the hero, because you will end up being the fool victim in the game.
Now if you do as I say, you will be done with this in a few days and no one will be harmed. "
"fine now, answer my questions!"
"How we got the information, well we have our ways and we have eyes everywhere. How long have we been watching you, long enough to know that you have anxiety disorder, OCD, you don't like to go out, and you love donuts. Now comes the most important part, what for?
In two days you will receive another phone call from me, and you will have to go meet someone, don't worry, that person will you only handle you a delivery that you are not, under any circumstances, allowed to open. Make sure you keep that phone with you at all times."
Two days passed, he was on his way to his car in the parking lot after long day at work, when the phone rang, it wasn't his phone it was the phone the man sent him.
He picked up and the voice said, "drive until you reach the train station, leave your car and go book a ticket to () city, when you arrive, take a taxi and go to the Flicka Café and wait there until I call you again."
He did as he was told, and while he was waiting at the café, the phone rang again, the voice told him that he should leave the café and head to the train station again in 30 minutes. After he hung up, he was not sure what he was doing, had second thoughts, maybe he should just call the police? He was scared though, he didn't know what he was dealing with or whether he is being watched at this very moment.
He decided to just sit there, drink the coffee, and then leave to the station as he was told. But then the incident of the spelt coffee occurred that caused him to meet the girl.
After he rushed out of her house fearing to be late to the station, he got there in time, he just went and waited on a bench when a man passed by him, left a bag next to him on the bench and left. It happened too smoothly no once even noticed anything.
He looked at the man, wanted to ask him, but there was no chance, he was too quick that he almost disappeared.
So, he was just sitting there looking at the bag, wondering what could be in there? Is it a bomb? Are they going to ask me to plant it somewhere and leave like terrorists? Thoughts kept rushing through his mind, and the fear filling his heart, until the phone rang, he picked up quicker than usual this time, the voice asked him to take the bag and go back on the train, take his car and drive home, and wait for his call tomorrow morning.
He arrived home from that long trip, he went to his desk and placed the bag in front of him thinking why not open the bag, how will they know if I did. He was too curious to know and was too scared of what might be in there. He kept staring at the bag for a few minutes then decided to leave it. Thinking what he doesn't know won't hurt him. He will just wait and see and what they want from him. He doesn't want to know details and he just want to get it over with and be back to his peaceful life.
The following day, he woke up almost forgot what was going on in his life until he saw the bag on the desk. He remembered he's supposed to receive a phone call anytime now telling him what to do with that bag.
He showered, had his breakfast, went to get dressed and all the time he was grabbing the phone with him wherever he went, even to the bathroom.
He was ready to go and still no one called. He wasn't sure what to do. Should he leave the bag home and leave or should he take it with him to work?
The phone ringing interrupted his thoughts and almost (freaked him out) he picked up and it was the same voice asking him if he opened the bag. He said that he did not. The voice then told him to take the bag to work, leave it in the car and wait for a call after he finishes his shift at work.
When he was done, he went to his car and instead of driving home as he was used to, he just waited there in his parked car waiting for the phone call.
A few minutes, the phone rang, the voice told him to drive to the gas station near the mall, park his car and go into (the store in the gas station, buy a pack of strawberry flavoured gum).
He drove to that gas station thinking of the weirdness of this man. Why a strawberry flavoured gum, why not just any flavor, why is it even a gum? Odd.
He arrived at the gas station, parked the car and went to the store, asked for a pack of strawberry flavoured gum. As he was (giving the money) a man approached him and whispered, is this the package? He looked at him in fear, and asked are the one calling me? He said no, I'm here to take this. The man took the bag and left the store.
He went out behind him leaving the pack of gum and the money to the cashier and rushing to ask him. He wanted to know what's in this bag and who are those people. By the time he went out of the store the man was on his motorcycle about to leave, he ran to him but he just took off at maximum speed. He ran back to his car hoping he'd follow him.
He drove fast out of the station, he could see him at a far distance, but there was a traffic jam and the guy was able to escape easily zigzagging between the cars.
He was disappointed that he couldn't catch him. He just drove back home. Sat on the sofa, turned on the TV and out the phone on the table in front of him expecting another call. He had two opposite emotions at that moment, relief that he got rid of that bag that he know nothing about its contents; and scared that he wasn't sure what’s awaiting him next.
He woke up suddenly to the sound of the phone ringing, he jumped to pick it up, realizing he fell asleep on the sofa last night. He picked up and the voice said,"Good job. You delievered the bag and did not open it as you were told. We thank you for your service now put that phone back on the porch of your front door where you found it. And have a good day (name)" he said, "wait, but I want to understa…." The line hung up.
He took the phone and placed it at the front door where he found it. Looked around him, searching for any face that is looking back at him, but there was no one. So he went inside and closed the door. But instead of going to shower and he stood behind the window for a few minutes, watching who will come take that phone.
He waited for over 15 minutes and the phone was still no one came to take it. He realized he is going to be late for work so he figured he should just go shower. And just as he was turning his head he saw a glimpse of someone coming near his door, he turned back quickly to take a look at the man. He was wearing a (weary) shirt that had what seems to be holes, it was (cut) and a pretty (wear) jeans. He had a messed up hair and he looked a bit dirty, as if he hasn't showered in the last 10 years. He kept watching him to see what he's going to do. The man looked around, he seemed scared, he was hesitant at first but then it looked like he was gathering his courage and took a deep breath, approached the door carefully, took the phone and just as carefully turned around and ran as fast as he can possibly run.
Although, he didn't understand anything of what was going on, he felt better that he is no longer waiting for phone calls or picking up bags or meeting creepy strangers.
He went to shower and get ready to go to work. He was still unsure if it was really over. He kept expecting something to happen at any second. Someone calls him, or someone finds out about those calls, or anything related to a bag on the news,.. he remained like this for 2 or 3 weeks, but there was nothing, a month passed, and nothing happened, that he almost started to forget about it.
He was still uncomfortable enough that he decided to move out of the city and rent another house in a different city and had it arranged at work to be moved to the company's branch at that city.
More than two months passed since that incident, and he has almost started to forget it ever occurred, and just another morning he was getting ready for work, he was checking himself in the mirror as he wore his dark blue plaid button-up shirt, and he remembered the day at the café, when the coffee was spelt on it and that gorgeous girl who helped him. He smiled when he remembered and decided to pass by that café again after work, it was a long way to go, but he thought he'd take the chance, maybe he'd pass by her place if he doesn't find her in the café and hopefully she'd be there this time.
But then he reached the café, and there she was, too focused in reading, he stood there for a few seconds, not sure what he was doing there really. What was he going to say? She probably doesn't even remember him. Ugh I should just go. But then I came a long way to meet her, at least I should say hi, maybe thank her again in person, last time I was very rushed and nervous and probably even rude.
So he just gathered his courage, took a deep breath and walked towards her table and in a pretty hesitant voice said, "umm.. hello?"
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