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Write a note in this area. It's really easy to share with others. Click here ...Miridan Theocracy - Nemi - Exalted Priesthood + Police State
Holy Kingdom of Mynas - Mixed(Human) - Shadow Council + Free Haven
Keresian Empire - Human - Imperial Cult + Feudal Society
Kingdom of Fortalia - Mixed(Human) - Aristocratic Elite + Agrarian Idyll
Unified State of Fortalia* - Mixed(Human) - Idealistic Foundation + Citizen Service
Enduring Realms of Gandara - Dwarf - Mining Guilds + Masterful Crafters
Eternal Kingdom of Eleftheria - High Elf - Cutthroat Politics + Pompous Purists
(- Dark Elf - )
(- Wood Elf - )
(- Seafolk - )(x2?)
Nagrim - Giant - Warrior Culture + Distinguished Admiralty
Darakan Empire - Neansha - Technocracy + Memorialists
Ashurian Kingdom - Sharai - Meritocracy + Beacon of Liberty
Taminthian Union - Aniar - Efficient Bureaucracy + Shared Burdens
??? - Reanimators + Barbaric Despoilers

The Miridian Theocracy is a coastal nation mainly populated by the nemi in the south-western part of the continent, bordering the Keresian Empire, Gandara and Eleftheria. The state is ruled not by a single individual like most of the other states, but instead by a council of cardinals, all in charge of governing certain parts of the country except one, who is the diplomatic head of state. This is the supreme patriarch, currently named Tilin Anoma. The supreme patriarch is always male, though the 5 other cardinals in the council can be any gender, or even race. The other cardinals go over the military, economic affairs, religious affairs, finances and magical affairs.

All citizens are regarded as equal based on their race and gender by the state, though individuals might hold other opinions. They would never voice those opinions out loud or let them affect anything, for fear of punishment if reported. This makes it a rather pleasant nation to live in as member of another race, as long one is properly able to integrate themselves into the society and can overcome the differences between this nation and their previous one.

Crime is punished harshly in Miridian society, and a thief is more likely to get caught than in any other nation. This is due to the state having quite a strong military force present in all cities, and even smaller towns tend to have a retired soldier working as law enforcement if the need would theoretically arise. Rumours have it that there is another part of the law enforcement, though. An organisation, called the inquisition by the people believing these rumours, which identifies all who would commit crimes against state or religion, causing arrests by military police or sudden disappearances.

Miridian society does not know nobility like other states, religion having completely replaced this concept. High ranking members of the church would get the same privileges as nobles in other nations, though a religious title is not hereditary. Instead, they pick their successors from lower ranking members of the church. Of course, this can technically be their child if they do have one. To limit possible nepotism from destroying the nation, the highest-ranking individuals are forbidden from having children until they are out of office. This forces them to pick the people that would do best in the position instead of their children.

The military of the Miridian Theocracy is built around highly trained professional soldiers, the normal citizens not being conscripted except for very rare cases. There are several Knightly Orders within the military, with the Knights of the Sun being the highest one. Members of these orders tend to be military officers as well, to ensure that the most capable fighters are the ones leading the army. The leader of the Knights of the Sun is the Knight-Cardinal, who is also a member of the ruling council.

The Holy Kingdom of Mynas is a country located in the central-eastern part of the continent, bordering the Keresian Empire, Dakaran Empire and Gandara. The state is ruled by a single king, though many might not notice too much from his rule. Which, of course, makes it the ideal place to go for the people looking to escape their own country. Therefore, there are many immigrants, often due to them following different ideologies than their home countries. For example, a non-religious citizen of the Miridian Theocracy or a magic user who does not want to get their license from the Keresian Empire. Of course, criminals might move here as well due to being fugitives in their own nation, and if they can blend in well enough, they might pick up a new life here.

This country serving as a free haven makes the nation the only society with lots of different cultures living together, as other multicultural nations have only a few cultures together, while Mynas has most, if not all cultures living together. This might lead to tension sometimes, though it always eventually resolves itself without leading to a civil war. Tension tends to start with differences between cultures that are fundamentally different, or where their old nations were each other's enemies, and might even have fought wars with each other. Sexism does not exist within Mynas, as the cultures that do not have it have influenced the women from other cultures to demand their rights as well.

Crime does not appear to be punished often, as Mynas does not have a truly effective law enforcement system like other countries might have. Even then, the underworld of Mynas never grows large enough to destabilise the government while still making great profits. While the underworld is quite powerful, other criminals and even foreign spies tend to disappear, leaving other nations to think Mynas has another government supporting them. Of course, only the king himself would know if this were true, but the fear of it being true does keep military forces from crossing the border.

Nobility in Mynas consists of the people who do the most to support the kingdom, with the king himself handing out the titles, while also being able to take them back if the noble abuses their power. Titles are hereditary, but the children can of course get their titles revoked at any point as well. Some older noble houses are immune to this in a way, though, considering that they might be able to overthrow the king if the king tries to due to the political power their house has gathered over the generations.

The military consists of a mixture of professional soldiers, and people with military training who would be conscripted if a war would break out. This luckily hasn't happened in centuries, considering their military would most likely lose from most other nations based on the quality or quantity of the soldiers themselves. If this war would break out, though, hidden users of black magic might volunteer to fight, as to keep the safest place for them on the continent as an autonomous country. This would certainly give them an edge in any war, though this alone would obviously never be enough.

The Keresian Empire is a country located in the northern part of the continent, bordering the Miridian Theocracy, Mynas, Fortalia, and Eleftheria. The state is ruled by emperor Lennas Vennara, supreme ruler over all provinces within the Empire. All provinces are ruled by their own dukes, having relatively quite a lot of autonomy. The nation was founded after the first of the Vennara bloodline, Eljar Vennara, united all the human tribes living in the area, though one cannot be sure what remains of the truth besides that, hidden within all the legends. The most prominent legend, though, is that after uniting the nation, he died to his wounds after singlehandedly killing a daemon and having ascended to godhood afterwards, part of his divine soul living on within his bloodline.

Generally, the people in the Keresian Empire can be quite discriminatory. Non-humans are not allowed in leadership positions, and against races from nations that the Empire does not have great relations with, systemic racism might take place. For example, if there is hostility between the Empire and Gandara, most people will not hire dwarven workers or even fire them. Men are also preferred to women in some cases, considering men are physically stronger and they cannot get pregnant. Which is also why the title of duke is only passed on through the male line. A pregnant woman, or a woman who has just given birth, is not able to spend all their time on their job if necessary. Of course, this view is sexist, but besides leadership roles and roles that require physical strength, women are seen as quite equal to men. They have the same rights as men still as well.

As the criminal system is left to the provinces themselves, it's not the best of the best, but it still works well enough to take down the worst criminals. Assault, murder and other crimes like these are taken care off pretty well, while stealing a bread won't get someone caught unless they happened to do it in the wrong place or at the wrong time. Different from all other nations, is that unlicensed practice of magic in general is highly illegal, and you will either be forced into service and get your license, or you will get harsh punishment. Very rarely it has happened that even executions have taken place.

Keresian nobility consists only of the dukes in charge of the several provinces, though some might give their subordinates titles. These titles are not necessarily worth anything beyond that specific duke's province, though. The dukes are all chosen directly by the emperor and must pledge their allegiance to the emperor with a magic oath. This oath will make sure they will serve the divine bloodline of the emperor and keep them from attempting to take over the throne. The title of duke is hereditary, though someone else apart from his son may also be appointed to be the next one.

Even the military is decentralised, as all provinces have their own professional military, with the soldiers living at the barracks to be ready at any time. When they aren't serving as town, city or even border guards, they tend to be made to train by their superiors. When war breaks out, the emperor will unite the separate armies under his banner and sometimes recruit militias to increase the number of soldiers they can field. These often consist of mercenaries and sometimes peasants from the nearby lands. The army is supported by licensed mages in service to the emperor, though the strategies used are far from based around magic.

The Kingdom of Fortalia is a country located in the north-eastern part of the continent, bordered by the Keresian Empire, Eleftheria and the Ashurian Kingdom. This nation is ruled by a single king, though with the support of the nobility. The kings of Fortalia are known as warmongers, setting high taxes in order to fund the military, and the idea that a lot of the money is used for the king's personal luxury, isn't too far-fetched. Though while the king is unpopular among the civilian population, the poor citizens do not have the financial capabilities to move to the Keresian Empire or even further, forcing them to stay. Richer citizens, though, most likely get enough jobs from the nobility to compensate for the taxes, and don't see the need to move.

Racial discrimination does not exist in Fortalia within common society, though nobles can be quite racist. The nobles in Fortalia tend to see themselves as better than everyone else, and foreigners fall within the lowest social classes to them. They are not afraid of angering their nations either, as war is something the royal family tends to like anyways. This means that insulting and discriminating against other races is easily and often done. Sexism exists as well in the higher societies, with women often forced to take on a subservient role within marriage.

Crime against high society is punished harshly, and even if a culprit cannot be found, some peasant will be punished anyways to satisfy the nobles. Crime against the civilians, however, doesn't matter much to law enforcement, and is only stopped if it is convenient, or if the culprit is already known. Considering law enforcement is mainly military, and the military has civilian backgrounds, nobles are often not even arrested if they break the law themselves. Only the king can order their arrests, or nobles can call each other out on crimes because the soldiers will be protected by the other noble.

Fortalian nobility consists of a multitude of different titles, having a hierarchy within the nobility itself of which title is more important. These titles are passed on through the male bloodline, with the women often being married off to other families. All noble families see themselves as much more important than the civilians, and a noble marrying a peasant would be cause for banishment at the very least. If one does not have any male children, then the title is given to the son of his first daughter, just skipping a generation. If he would be underage, the parents would temporarily have it until he is of age.

Military recruiters travel throughout the land, promising pay and food three times a day, which many peasants cannot afford on their own. Therefore, Fortalia has a sizable military, with most soldiers sending their pay back home to their families, so that they might also get a life that is slightly more comfortable. The peasants do not get the best gear possible, as their lives are not that valuable to the commanders unless they have proven themselves to be elite soldiers. The common soldier is expected to keep the enemy busy, hopefully even kill a soldier, while the elite troops flank the opposing army and finish them while they are busy.

The Enduring Realms of Gandara, or Gandara for short, is a country located in the western part of the continent, bordering Nagrim, the Miridian Theocracy and the Dakaran Empire. The nation is quite unlike the others, with most of the territory being unused except for agriculture and similar purposes. The actual cities are built into the mountains, being quite impressive looking, almost impenetrable fortresses from an outside perspective.

Long ago in Gandaran history, there was a powerful elven mage who came to visit the capital at that time. With the involvement of quite a bit of alcohol, she cast a spell that would seem harmless, but with anyone familiar with Gandaran culture, it was a truly unspeakable act. The woman was promptly executed at the orders of the High King himself, which led to a long and bloody war with Eleftheria. Due to this war, there are still lingering grudges against elves, with elves not being treated well by certain people if they would decide to visit. Most other races are completely welcome to visit, especially the neansha and giants due to the alliances with their nations.

Alike to the Keresian Empire, mages are required to register, and non-dwarven mages are forbidden from drinking alcohol at all. Mages are punished much more harshly than anyone else if they commit crimes, as they are expected to be responsible with the power they have been granted. Elven mages are not allowed at all, unless in very rare cases. Even if one's punishment would be long over, it will not be forgotten. For example, thieves will never be allowed to leave a store without being thoroughly searched.

The cities are ruled by kings, who are chosen from a ruling council of the citizens of that city. The smaller towns, of which not many exist in Gandara, have an united ruling council. Those kings form a council as well, which is led by the High King. None of these titles are hereditary, as the wisest dwarfs are supposed to rule, not certain families. Though this does not mean that certain families are not honoured. If one has an ancestor who did great deeds, they will get a lot more natural respect than others, though not living up to it, will make that respect disappear quickly.

As dwarfs are quite long-lived, most citizens take on multiple jobs within their lives, and therefore most serve in the military at some point in their lives. Some criminals serve in the military as well, as to be granted a honourable death while defending their country instead of being executed. Magic is relatively unused in the military, in contrast to magic weapons, which are much more common among the Gandaran military than any other military on the continent. High quality equipment is given to most soldiers, to keep casualties to a minimum while still winning the war.

The Dakaran Empire is the homeland of the neansha in the western part of the continent, bordering Gandara, the Keresian Empire and Nagrim. The nation is ruled by two kings from separate dynasties, having equal amount of power within the nation. The system is built this way so that both kings would keep each other in check, keeping the nation stable. These kings generally rule until both can make place for their children, who would both have to be properly prepared for the role at that point, which is quite possible due to the extremely long lives of the neansha.

History is well kept in Dakaran society, and any act of significance would be written down within a family's annals, with the highest honour to be written into the annals of a city or even the nationwide ones. Due to the existence of this well-preserved history, the acts of an individual can bring honour to their family until their bloodline dies off. Though because of this, criminal acts would of course be written down, bringing shame upon the family for eternity. Most criminal acts are therefore committed by foreigners.

Discrimination is mostly based upon family history, not upon race or gender. If one's family has committed crimes, and nothing good has been done to make up for it, they are much less likely to get a job than the descendant of a famous general, even with the same qualifications. Considering foreigners often do not keep such detailed records of their ancestors, they'd have to integrate into society from a rather low point. It would be even harder for short-lived races, as neansha live the longest of all known races.

There are no nobles, as familial status is based on history instead of a title. Only the two ruling dynasties have the title of king that is passed on onto their children. The families that have contributed most to the country's annals in a positive sense have the highest status. The easiest ways to improve a family's status would be to make discoveries, scientific or within magic, as the Darakan Empire takes pride in being more advanced than most other nations.


The Ashurian Kingdom is the homeland of the sharai, in the south-eastern part of the continent. It borders Eleftheria and Fortalia. Due the sharai being able to take flight, unlike the other races, many towns high in the mountains are rather inaccessible to foreigners. Even worse would be the fact that the towns tend to move locations once in a while, therefore there are no accurate maps of some areas, and making it easy to get lost. Only the capital and a few other big cities stay in one place.

Instead of a patriarchy like many other kingdoms, the Ashurian Kingdom is a matriarchy. Therefore, instead of a king, there is a queen that is the head of state. As most sharai are focused mainly on short term goals, there are only few individuals able to take a position of queen or leader of one of the cities. This means that the titles are given to the most capable people, which most likely are not the daughters of the people holding the title. Besides this, nobility is not really needed within the society, and most do not wish for it either.

Since there are almost no other races in the Ashurian Kingdom due to the hard to reach locations, there are not really any prejudices, though foreigners would often be looking upon curiously. Many questions should be expected by travellers. Because of this, there has been barely any cultural influences as well. For example, relationships are less static than in other countries, the concept of marriage not really existing. This is not to say that relationships cannot last for life, just that there is no expectation of that happening. Women are seen as more responsible, therefore they might be unjustly preferred in some positions.



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