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I Am Exercising, But Not Losing Weight
This is really a common situation for most people and may or may possibly not be a real problem. The problem with attempting to clarify this type of situation in an article such as this is that t here are so many variables which can contribute to the results of any exercise and/or weight loss program.

For instance, the exercise necessary to lose a certain amount of weight at age 20 will likely be different at age 30. The exercises, and amount of exercise, which worked just fine for your neighbor, sister, or person in the book you merely bought is probably not what is going to get the job done for you.

Additionally, everything you eat, how you rest, what exercises you do, how often you do them, and everything you have done that you experienced up until now are all also likely to be factors in terms of losing weight...with or without exercising!

To complicate the equation even more, many people who commence a weight loss program to lose excess weight often find themselves gaining weight instead!

This last, incidentally, is not that unusual, as a new exercise program may increase the appetite and cause the gain of lean muscle mass faster than fat has been lost. When you are still in the first stages of exercising for weight reduction, concentrate more on how your clothes fit, the method that you feel, and positive comments from your friends and disregard the scale for a while.

The scale can bring you down even when your clothes are getting looser and your friends are thinking, if not saying aloud, "Wow! She's looking thinner. I wonder how she's carrying it out!"

In many cases, the dietary plan someone chooses can get in the way of weight loss, no matter how good the exercise program is. Make an effort to eat several smaller sized meals during the day...six is not unrealistic...and try to cut down on fats and sugars while adding a little fiber to the mix. Fruit and veggies are good options, but even here you must watch what you do. Your body will need protein, which is often Unavailable in significant quantities in vegatables and fruits. Also, fruits often contain high quantities of sugars, and, because the sugars are "natural" will not mean that they can not keep you from slimming down!

When you are eating right, have already been exercising for a while so that you should be "over the hump", but still can't seem to shed weight, the probable answer is that you are either not doing enough in the way of exercise or doing the wrong exercises.

For weight loss, aerobic, or cardio, exercises, are going to probably be the most effective. However, your body soon adapts to whatever exercise level you find yourself at, and will require a rise in intensity in some manner to continue the weight reduction progression.

In fact, weight loss will occur in waves, instead of in a smooth, downward slope, and you will find yourself going through several plateaus before you achieve your desired weight. At each point, it will probably be essential to adjust your daily diet and exercise program at the very least a twitch to begin with moving down to another level.

I would like to take the time to make one point before my concluding remarks.

Health is the major issue here. Many people focus so intently on the weight loss goal that they make an effort to do more than they're with the capacity of doing at their present degree of health and physical conditioning. They find a book that says to do 20 pushups or run a mile, and that is what they try to do whether they are in the proper condition to achieve that or not.

If they cannot do it at all, or regularly, they get discouraged. If they manage to force themselves to accomplish it, they will, at best, give up because it is simply too hard, or, at worst, injure themselves. I personally know a woman who will no longer try to exercise because every time she has ever attempted it, she's exceeded her capabilities and either gave up or was forced to give up for her health and well-being.

Start slow, progress slowly, and someday you may well be writing an exercise book yourself.

Finally, no exercise program ought to be begun without clearing it with your personal physician. At once, doctors would actually discourage certain folks from exercising, but most now realize and recognize medical benefits of exercise.

On that same note, in case you have done all that that can be done regarding nutrition and exercise but cannot seem to ensure it is all work, usually do not hesitate to visit your physician and say, "I'm exercising but not losing weight." There are items that can be done to assist you as you pursue your weight loss goals.

There do exist clinical problems that may hinder attaining weight loss goals by even the most dedicated and motivated individual. These conditions may require medical or surgical intervention and such options should be presented and described by your doctor.

However, for most of us, those weight reduction goals should most likely not be to look as we looked in senior high school, or even to weigh what some fashion model weighs. Our anatomies have changed, and you probably do not want to live the way the fashion model has to so that you can maintain her appearance. It is also possible which you don't have the genes she has.

Most people, should they exercise regularly and eat properly will look and feel better and will not find it necessary to say, "I'm exercising but not slimming down."

Donovan Baldwin is really a freelance SEO copywriter surviving in Central Texas. A University Of West Florida alumnus (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and contains held several managerial positions over time. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, he became interested in internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He's got been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and today frequently publishes articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. He has a weight reduction blog at
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