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1 day ago
This is a pretty thorough list of notes that I took from the video.

The principles of Willpower!

Willpower is a muscle!

Step one: Understanding Willpower

Imagine the temptation, and then practice beating it away

Realize that just the fact that I am trying to improve is important, and is more than most people. Even if I fail.

Don’t choose your actions, choose your consequences.

Step two: Lust

When I am tempted by anything sexual just imagine how much better that aspect of life will be with my wife if I abstain

Make sure to minimize things that could cause urges

When tempted, just think of a happy memory, your willpower becomes way stronger

By extension, don’t keep the temptations in your mind, remove them.

Step three: Video Games

I should force positive thoughts into my head as often as possible

I should replace video games with a hobby or skill that has a similar feeling of progression and status. Weightlifting is a perfect example.

Don’t let unproductive people (friends, family) drag you down. This does not mean cut them off, just don’t let them affect you.

Remove things that will drag you back into unhealthy habits

Step four: Sugar

Manually implant positive memories into my mind

Then keep in mind the dream result. (Perfect body, happy marriage, going on a mission with my wife)

Willpower training!

Buy my favorite candy bar, put it nearby, and never eat it. This trains willpower.

Throwing away your junk food is good advice, but you need to be able to resist it when it’s right in front of you.

Step five: Hot Triggers

I am disciplined when the context is right, so the trick is expanding that context.

What are my ‘hot triggers’?

1. Gym girls
2. Random arousing thoughts
3. Free sugar
4. Nostalgic memory of video game/tv from childhood (this can cause me to want to play or watch said game/show, resulting in much wasted time)

Realize that these situations could happen, and plan to overcome them

How can I set up an environment where these hot triggers don’t bother me?

Step six: High Level Desires

High level desires are the desires that seem good, but waste so much of your life. (Working too hard, materialism, lots of girls)

The less you desire, the stronger you become. Desire is the root of all suffering.

Don’t let other people’s desires affect what you do in life. Don’t get distracted from your path.

Find your core desire. Look inwards, find what is authentic to you, and achieve that.

You need to remove the things adding extra desires to your life. This is mostly from online influencers.

Step seven: A Quick 30% Boost In Willpower

Regular people put into a brain scanner, when asked to think of their future selves, their brain lights up as if thinking about a stranger.

People on self improvement, when asked the same thing, their brain lights up as if thinking about theirselves.

Be a nice person to your future self, because that person is you.

If you keep in mind your future self, you are 30% more likely to delay gratification.

Step eight: Willpower Fatigue

Willpower is a muscle! By using it, we get tired in the moment. But when we rest, we have built that skill to be even stronger.

If you think about it in this way, willpower becomes way more powerful, and you can train it.

What most people consider ‘rewarding yourself’ is actually a punishment.

Playing video games, eating sugar, these are minor forms of self harm, they are destructive. So why would you ‘reward’ yourself with these?
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Regards; Team

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