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-Always buy full in pistol round
-Always plant default spot
-Always buy smoke on rounds where you buy fully (very important on this map)
-If your teammates go long try to support with flash if possible (U can always flash and hold top mid afterwards)
-Not nice to buy fully/almost fully every round -> better to have 1 round with just a pistol so u can have a good buy next round)
-When you are last guy when you go B it is always níce to smoke doors
-Better to buy 2 flashes instead of HE grenade
-When you throw CT cross smokkes on A it is better to throw them a bit deeper (so CT cannot lurk out of them)
-Best to tap medium/long range (Hard to spray on this range)
-Never reload with 10 bullets in AK if there is even a small chance enemy can be close
-Never buy deaGLE+zeus with awp (Money is important)
-Always double zoom with awp if you are fighting site from pit


-Always buy kevlar on pistol (It is worth it trust me :D)
-When you are shooting some1 from behind it is always nice to crouch (more accuracy)
-Always buy helmet after winning pistol round (Only time you do not wanna buy helmet is when Ts have full AK and AWP) and in general buy full nades if possible'
-Always buy m4 when you have money for m4+kevlar/helmet -> dust2 there is a lot of long range duels and p90 is very bad for this
-You always wanna take either long or short on this map as CT (very hard to hold if Ts come from short and long at the same time)
-Be carefl with spamming smokes (You can get caught off guard from a T pushing)
-When playing mid with AWP be careful of lower tunnels
-You always wanna play a position with AWp on CT where you can kill 1 guy and go into cover (Long reload time with awp)
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