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Its midnight and you're gone. Since im bored and cant stop thinking about you I decided itd be cool to tell you why I love you. Some reasons, not all of em cus Id have to write for a long ass time.

Prva stvar ostaje misteriozna i meni, a to je kolko se mogu povjeriti u tebe. Sve moje mane i prljave stvsri iz proslosti si prihvatila i zavoljela, I'm crazily grateful for that. Jos na prvom sastanku kroz par dana dopisivanja moro sam se osigurat that this is the real deal. So I opened up, told you everything knowing that you're either gonna leave, or your gonna embrace my flaws and accept them along with my positive traits. Obozavam dijeliti uspomene s tobom, iako katkad to i ne cijenis cus it makes u jealous or normal/not special, ti si najposebnije stvorenje u mome zivotu i ne bih te ni za koga mijenjao.
I could never get bored with you, cus its never boring when you're with me. Bukvalno smo imali tolko glupe i smijesne dejtove u kojima sam neopisivo uzivo. Idk why, but it doesnt matter if we spend our time talking, or making out, or fucking, or gossiping, arguing, watching something- svaki trenutak proveden s tobom je dragocjen, jer se osjecam ko da niko drugi ne postoji. Sami ti i ja, ko izbjeglice iz besmisla, when nobody else matters.
Upravo zbog tih dragocjenih trenutaka me strah izgubit te.
Jer znam da sam dosad sjebo vise ljudi nego sto sam usrecio i pravio sam dosta gresaka na kojima sam ucio. Al' potrebno je da ti ucinis i najmanju sitnicu koja dolikuje odbojnoscu da bih se ja refleksno distanciro od tebe. I znam kolko to nije fer, al' iako volim što te volim, I still think its too good to be true.
Moja pesimisticna strana uvijek vidi najgore u svemu - keeps me happy, but makes me enjoy everything less.
I mrzim kad radi ovih glupih nesigurnosti se svadjamo, al' tu do izrazaja dolazi druga verzija mene i sve se zasere.
And that's another reason why I love you. You've seen me at my bad days and maintained by my side. You've woken up next to me, covered in sweat (fully your fault) and still hugged me and kissed every inch of my body. You love me at my worst and I'm comfortable being at my worst with you. Which I couldn't do with anyone.
Rekla si mi jednom da nisam savrsen (I instantly got offended), al' da sam za tebe savrsen. And I loved it so much cus it had a much deeper meaning than what you originaly intended. Znam da sam daleko od savrsenstva, da mogu biti naporan, dosadan, odbojan, glup, al' sam ti beskrajno zahvalan sto me volis i tad, kao i onda kad sam najbolja osoba na planeti (which is most of the time btw hrhe)
Volim te i sto si moja podrska. Da l to bilo kad se nesto lose desi pa si tu za mene (ignore the fact that you went to bed at 12 when my grandma died so I couldnt talk to you about it), il neka banalna stvar like when u rubbed my shoulders when I was playing fifa with muamer, you're there for me when I need you (most of the time, like 60% of the time :P )

And kiddo, I'm not scared of commitment. I don't like saying forever because I could never lie to you. As hard as I want to prevent it from happening, one of us is bound to fuck it up eventually. And I don't wanna break any promise I gave to you. Ja ne vjerujem da smo mi zajedno mjesec i kusur a ja ti pisem ova sranja. Dear Lord she'll stop loving me now. Idk, when I'm passionate about something I could talk about it for days. You are my biggest passion. So deal with this once in a while.
Ja te idiote volim tolko puno, tako lahko, al' tako tesko se to moze opisati, I could spend hours talking about reasons why, al' cu te smorit dok citas. Idk if ull like this il ce te smorit, al' I liked writing about you, so yeah sorry not sorry.

And sorry for the message you'll receive. Had to scare you a bit hehe
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Regards; Team

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