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Psilocybe Mexicana
Psychedelic mushrooms have long been a staple of indigenous cultural practices throughout North and Central America. They've been a part of both religious and healing rituals and can be used to aid in psychotherapy, as well as being a source of recreation for those who desire to escape the routine of everyday life.

Psilocybe mexicana is a species of psychedelic mushroom that is native to Mexico, Costa Rica and Guatemala. Its fruiting body is conical or flared with a brown or ocher colored cap that may fade to yellow or become opaque as it ages. The underside is covered with purple-brown or grayish gills that have white edges.

While this mushroom can be found all over the world, it is commonly grown in Mexico and the United States for the entheogenic effects that are produced by its psilocybin and psilocin compounds. buy ayahuasca online The mushroom has a fascinating history, with its first known usage dating back to the Aztecs over 2,000 years ago. The name teotlnanacatl, which means "flesh of the gods," was given to the mushroom by the Aztecs.

This mushroom is a member of the genus Psilocybe, which includes several other species that produce psychedelics like LSD and MDMA. The mushroom's main chemical compound is psilocybin (also called 4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine).

These mushrooms are found in the arid and humid zones of the tropics and can grow up to five inches tall. Their caps can be either cone or bell shaped, with a raised area in the middle of the cap (umbonate) and margins that flare out to resemble a bell (campanulate).

Aside from its psychedelic properties, this mushroom is also known for its distinctive odor and taste. The mushroom's scent is similar to cucumber rind and it has a mealy or grainy taste that can be described as a combination of wheat and barley.

The mushroom can be found growing alone or in small groups among moss along roadsides, trails, humid meadows or cornfields. It is common at elevations between 300-550 metres (980-1,800 ft), and rare in lower elevations.

This psilocybin-containing mushroom has a fascinating history, with its use having been recorded by the Aztecs over 2,000 years ago. Unlike other psychedelics, teotlnanacatl is not a drug but a medicinal fungus, meaning that it was used as a cure for many ailments.

Until recently, this mushroom was illegal in most countries. However, laws are changing to accommodate the increasing interest in psychedelics and research into their potential therapeutic uses.

As a result, it is now legal in the Netherlands to cultivate this mushroom and obtain its spores, which are available online as both sclerotia and adults. Although this mushroom is more potent than psilocybe cubensis, it's not clear whether the difference between them is related to how they're cultivated or whether both species are equally strong.

The spores of this mushroom are easily extracted from the stems and can be stored for up to two months. Once the spores are dried, they can be packaged in plastic and sealed to keep them safe until ready for transport.
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