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Puppy Training - Dealing With Separation Anxiety
If you are having puppy potty training problems, like nasty messes on the floor, please read on. The first step to potty train your puppy is to create a routine and stick to it. Dogs are creatures of habit and will adjust to a routine fast. The use of a crate can help to speed this process up and help with behavior problems.

Give them enough room to play help training a puppy explore but also make sure that it's a safe environment. Another puppy of appropriate size and age is always a good choice. Older dogs with an easy going temperament is good to although the puppy might drive any otherwise harmless adult dog to snap at them if they become to obnoxious. But that's a lesson learned to as long as it is a warning and not serious.

No doubt you have found many command words in your search for how to train a puppy. There are the common ones such as sit, stay, fetch etc. However which word you use doesn't matter as much as how you say it and what you associate the word to. A common problem is that people don't continue to use the same word and tone of voice help with training a command. If you teach your dog to sit using the word "sit" and use a low tone of voice, it is not a good idea to then try to get your puppy to sit by saying "sit down" in a high tone of voice. This is likely to confuse your pooch and create unwanted results. If you train your puppy to sit by saying sit, stay consistent with the word and how you say it.

One thing that many owners do when caring for a puppy at home is to teach them to be in the crate. This is for pets that are going to be left alone during the day and those that are not going to be sleeping with their owners at night. Though some think a crate is not good for a puppy, the opposite is true with most breeds. They will not like the crate at first, but they will find it comforting when they are left home alone once they are crate trained. A puppy or a dog should not be left in a crate endlessly, as that is just cruel, for for short periods it becomes a den for them.

If your puppy shows signs of the 3 behaviours of toileting outdoors, then you should give the toileting command and once the action is completed praise the puppy excessively. Make a real example of how terrific your puppy was to have gotten the action right.

8:00 pm Take your pup out to "empty" and get it ready for bed. Any routine you create, make sure you repeat every night. Pups teaching a puppy sit like children and love routine.

House training a puppy can be frustrating and difficult at times. But we all need to remember that a puppy is still just a baby. He has not yet learned how to control himself and until he reaches the age where he has some of the control he will need you to be patient and loving as you spend quality time with him teaching him what is acceptable.

Taking your puppy for his first walk, where he has previous being carried, is a major step. Where once he was being carried and looking down, he is now down on the footpath, looking up. He is now exposed to the smell of where other dogs have been walking. Get down on your hands and knees and see what he sees while he is walking alongside you. Then you will understand why so many puppies can soon become frightened. Try and plan a different walk every day and keep a watchful eye on his reaction to every type of experience he encounters. By doing this you can note anything that causes a problem and you can take steps to rectify this and stop your puppy from becoming frightened.

It is highly recommended when learning how to train a dog that you set aside time every day to practice new tricks. Your dog loves to spend time with you, and as training progresses they will easily fall in line with your commands and fully enjoy being with you. Regular training sessions will establish you as the authority figure in your dog's life, so be sure to spend a few minutes each day on dog training. Working together on a daily basis will strengthen your relationship and improve your dogs behavior quickly and efficiently.

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