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Amazing Photos Allegedly Tom Cruise at the Filming Location, So Iron Man?

Since the trailer for Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness aired, there has been a lot of speculation surrounding the film. One of them is the participation of Tom Cruise who is lined up as Iron Man in a different universe.
The rumor was also reinforced by a photo that was recently discussed on Twitter. In this blurry image purportedly from the film's shooting location, a man who looks like Tom Cruise is seen wearing a motion capture suit.

The picture was posted by a Twitter account that often shares leaks in the world of films and pop phenomena.

"(Rumors) Probably the first picture of Tom Cruise on the set of #DoctorStrange2 in (Motion Capture) for his Iron Man," wrote Moth_Culture.

While there's no confirmation as to whether the image is indeed from the set of Doctor Strange or whether the man in question is indeed Tom Cruise, it has stirred up rumors. There have been reports that because Multiverse of Madness addresses the concept of multiverse and variants (different versions of characters), fans could be treated to a variety of actors playing their beloved characters.

Many fans have compared this to what happened in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Where previously had circulated photos of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield again wearing spider-man costumes.

Iron Man aka Tony Stark is famously played by Robert Downey Jr (RDJ) in the MCU, starting from the first film in the Iron Man franchise in 2008 until the character's death in Avengers Endgame (2019).

RDJ is also considered as one of the characters who managed to elevate Marvel's success with his films and played an important role in the franchise.

However, not many know that Tom Cruise is one of the names interested in taking on the role even before RDJ. In 1998, in an interview with The Gazette, Tom said that he was interested in producing and also starring in the film Iron Man.

Tom was among the actors being considered for the role when Marvel Studios wanted to cast Tony Stark nearly a decade later. In the end, Robert Downey Jr. appeared after director Jon Favreau asked him.

These 5 Marvel Characters Are Predicted to Appear in Doctor Strange 2

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is reportedly going to be a film that brings together many characters from the multiverse. Before the latest posters and trailers were released, these leaks were already circulating on social media. Some believed it, some didn't, until finally the leaks turned into memes on Twitter.
You've probably seen a leaked tweet from the family's WhatsApp group, featuring the credits for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness . There are names that are familiar to many people but strange enough to appear in the MCU, such as Dian Sastrowardoyo to Iqbaal Ramadhan.

Which character will be raised by Marvel Studios in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is still a question. But those who are observant can already see in the trailer and even from the shards of glass on the poster that these characters could appear in the Doctor Strange sequel:

1. Captain Carter
Captain Carter di What If... Foto: Courtesy of Marvel Studios/Marvel Studios
The appearance of Captain Carter can be seen from the shield he uses in the Disney+ animated series What If... in the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness poster. On one of the broken glass, if you look closely, you can see a shield with the British flag logo on it.

There is also a scene in the trailer when Doctor Strange changes dimensions, behind which is an animated world. This also adds to the anticipation of fans for the film directed by Sam Raimi.

2. Defenders Strange
Defenders Strange appeared in the TV commercial for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Photo: doc. Marvel Studios
This is not a prediction as it is already in the trailer. We can see that there are several Doctor Strange variants that appear, one of which is Defenders Strange. Doctor Strange Defenders was introduced by Hawkeye writer Matt Fraction with Terry Dodson through the 2010 Defenders series. This Doctor Strange variant looks sleek with white hair on both sides of his head.

3. Professor X
Professor X 's appearance in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is further confirmed by Patrick Stewart's voice cut in the trailer. The veteran actor will return to play Charles Xavier from the X-Men films but is now predicted to appear as a variant and member of the Illuminati.

4. Iron Man/Tony Stark
Iron Man.
Another rumor floating around on social media is the return of Iron Man and Tony Stark to the MCU. But this is not the Iron Man/Tony Stark we know, but a variant of Tony Stark that Tom Cruise is said to be playing . In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, he will be a member of the Illuminati. Whether or not this prediction is true will only be proven on the cinema screen later.

5. Deadpool

When Professor X from X-Men (whose copyright is held by Fox) is most likely to appear in Marvel Studios films, and now Marvel Studios and Fox are under the same company, namely Disney, then there is no reason not to bring Deadpool to the MCU. The news about Deadpool entering the MCU has also been circulating for a long time and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is said to be the official opening.

There is one piece of glass in the Doctor Strange sequel poster which fans believe is Deadpool. Now it's up to you whether you want to believe it or not because the effect when watching it will be very different.

In addition to the names above, several names that are said to be appearing again are members of the X-Men and Fantastic Four. Mr. Fantastic is a member of the Illuminati so if this secret group really exists, it's possible that Reed Richard will also appear. But will Ioan Gruffudd return to play the same character as Patrick Stewart is the big question.



Marley Film Trailer Released, Tyas Mirasih Delivers This Message

Tyas Mirasih is back in the big screen. This was known after the actress posted the premiere of the trailer for her new film entitled Marley.
Marley is the first film in Indonesia that features a Pitbull dog in the role. In the trailer, Marley shows the friendship of a teacher named Doni (Tengku Tezi) with a pitbull who escaped from a dog slaughterhouse.

Also starring is Tyas Mirasih who will be playing opposite Tengku Tezi, as well as several other names. From Jason L Theo, Emmie Lemu, Yadi Timo, Chika Waode, and many more.

The film was directed by Muhammad Ainun Ridho and written by Denny Siregar. Later Marley will also have many high social values ​​with the jargon 'a friend never lies about love'.

This film also raises some societal stereotypes of dogs, ranging from catching, trading, and even slaughtering these four-legged animals in Indonesia.

In uploads on his personal Instagram, Tyas Mirasih took the time to reply to various positive responses from netizens.

"Must watch ya!" Tyas wrote in one of the comments.

Tyas Mirasih invites his followers to watch this film, because the tickets from Marley's sales will later be donated to shelters in need.

The Marley film itself will soon be screened in all Indonesian cinemas on March 17, 2022.

The rumor was also reinforced by a photo that was recently discussed on Twitter. In this blurry image purportedly from the film's shooting location, a man who looks like Tom Cruise is seen wearing a motion capture suit.

The picture was posted by a Twitter account that often shares leaks in the world of films and pop phenomena.

"(Rumors) Probably the first picture of Tom Cruise on the set of #DoctorStrange2 in (Motion Capture) for his Iron Man," wrote Moth_Culture.

While there's no confirmation as to whether the image is indeed from the set of Doctor Strange or whether the man in question is indeed Tom Cruise, it has stirred up rumors. There have been reports that because Multiverse of Madness addresses the concept of multiverse and variants (different versions of characters), fans could be treated to a variety of actors playing their beloved characters.

Many fans have compared this to what happened in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Where previously had circulated photos of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield again wearing spider-man costumes.

Iron Man aka Tony Stark is famously played by Robert Downey Jr (RDJ) in the MCU, starting from the first film in the Iron Man franchise in 2008 until the character's death in Avengers Endgame (2019).

RDJ is also considered as one of the characters who managed to elevate Marvel's success with his films and played an important role in the franchise.

However, not many know that Tom Cruise is one of the names interested in taking on the role even before RDJ. In 1998, in an interview with The Gazette, Tom said that he was interested in producing and also starring in the film Iron Man.

Tom was among the actors being considered for the role when Marvel Studios wanted to cast Tony Stark nearly a decade later. In the end, Robert Downey Jr. appeared after director Jon Favreau asked him.


Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas Become a Couple in Erotic Thriller Deep Water

While Jennifer Lopez is having fun with Owen Wilson in their new film Marry Me, Ben Affleck is in a strange relationship with Ana de Armas in Deep Water. This latest film is an original Hulu production that will be airing soon.
Deep Water is based on the 1957 novel of the same name by Patricia Highsmith. Tells the story of Vic Van Allen ( Ben Affleck ) and Melinda Van Allen (Ana de Armas) who are married but not accompanied by love for each other. Even so, they are also lazy to take care of the complicated divorce process so this couple makes an agreement.

Vic allows Melinda to have affairs with several men as long as their families remain intact. Although it felt like a simple agreement, but Vic began to feel strange things inside him. Vic starts to get jealous and it leads him into a dangerous mind game between each other. This is exacerbated by the presence of the people around them.

In the latest teaser trailer released by Hulu, Ana de Armas and Ben Affleck seem to be in an intimate scene. The two of them were sitting alone in a park and talking in half-whispered voices. There is only one scene in this teaser and the tension and intimacy between the two is palpable.

Ana de Armas and Ben Affleck exchanged dialogue in low voices and heavy sighs. They both admit that something is wrong with them.

Played by Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas, Deep Water presents an erotic thriller about a married couple who don't love each other. Photo: doc. Hulu
Deep Water will premiere March 18, 2022 on Hulu. Let's hope Disney+ Hotstar will show this movie too.

Deep Water is directed by Adrian Lyne, who previously directed psychological-themed films such as Fatal Attraction and Jacob's Ladder. The script was written by Sam Levinson who also wrote Euphoria for HBO. With Levinson, the script for Deep Water was also worked on by Zach Helm.

In addition to Ana de Armas and Ben Affleck, Deep Water will also be played by Tracy Letts, Lil Rel Howery, Dash Mihok, Finn Wittrock, Kristen Connoly, Jacob Elordi, Rachel Blanchard, Michael Braun, Jade Fernandez, Grace Jenkins, Brendan C. Miller, Devyn Tyler, and Jeff Pope.



Marry Me Review: When Common People Married Idols

Kat Valdez ( Jennifer Lopez ) is a super-duper-mega-star who is engaged to famous singer Bastian (Maluma). Like superstars, every aspect of their lives is an event that must be captured, including their wedding which will be held in concert and broadcast around the world. It is said that 20 million people are ready to watch the wedding of the two stars.
On the night of the concert, before Kat and Bastian sing their duet (which of course is called "Marry Me"), bad news comes about Bastian. Page Six broadcasts a video of Bastian kissing assistant Kat. Since now is the age of everyone holding a smartphone, news spreads fast like a virus. Kat was already wearing a wedding dress when she saw the painful video. Then he did something unexpected.

To save face and also because she couldn't contain her disappointment, Kat pointed at a random onlooker who happened to be holding a sign saying "marry me" to actually marry him. Holding the board is Charlie Gilbert (Owen Wilson), a widower and math teacher who is completely clueless about Kat's world. In front of millions of people they actually got married and of course the media immediately bombarded Kat with various questions. Is this just an action? Or is this the beginning of a true love story?
Adapted from the graphic novel of the same name by Bobby Crosby, Marry Me is a romantic comedy that knows from the start that it's selling fantasy. From the beginning of the film until the end credits roll, this film is well aware that it is telling a story that is too ridiculous to be true. And that realization turned out to be what made Mary Me feel sincere.

Director Kat Coiro beautifully shot Marry Me without being pretentious, although if you compare it to a romantic comedy with a similar premise (Notting Hill), Marry Me looks much more bling bling. If Notting Hill is much more low-key and records their love story with little warm moments, the scenes in Marry Me are all great. But in the context of this film it all makes sense because Kat Valdez is portrayed as a giant star.

Coiro depicts Valdez's busy life realistically. Surrounded by assistants, managers, stylists, makeup artists , social media people and behind-the-scenes cameras , Kat Valdez's world is very noisy. His life was never lonely and "stepped on the ground". This very lively atmosphere then he contrasted with Charlie's world which was very quiet. Not only is he a very humble math teacher, his life revolves around his only child, Lou (Chloe Coleman), his best friend Parker (Sarah Slverman) and his dog. When they inevitably have to enter their respective worlds, the changes are very pronounced and the results are quite pleasant to see.

Marry Me played by Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson, a fun romantic comedy. Photo: doc. Universal Pictures
Marry Me certainly sells her story with the behind-the-scenes bling of mega-stars like Jennifer Lopez. And in this film, the audience will indeed see moments such as concert preparations or red carpet scenes . But Marry Me actually feels more excited when she focuses on simple things like Kat and Charlie walking together or when Kat wants to accompany Charlie to be chaperone at the dance. It's those simple moments that finally make Marry Me feel real, although there are not a few moments in this film that will make you roll your eyes.

The success of Mary Me to be a fun spectacle can actually be seen from the two main characters. This is not the first time Jennifer Lopez has played in the romantic comedy genre, but here she can still sell this absurd love story with unstoppable sincerity. The result is that I as the audience finally joins into the story even though this is a fantasy.

Jennifer Lopez's bright charm is then balanced by Owen Wilson 's down-to-earth aura. Wilson knows very well how to attract the sympathy of the audience with a very good fatherly aura. Watching Charlie try to be attractive in the eyes of his only child who is in the phase of becoming an adult is enough to make me as an audience care about his character. Her figure so innocent ends up being a very good contrast when she finally has to step into the noisy world of Kat Valdez. But Charlie's simplicity also turned out to be his great strength because he managed to make Kat Valdez feel things he had never felt. Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson's complementary chemistry finally made Marry Me aromantic comedy that can't be missed. If you like movies like this, Marry Me will keep you smiling for two hours.


Now Netizens Can Make Local Films Win at Oscar 2022

Will Yuni return to the Oscars? Or maybe other Indonesian films compete in the event? Now that's a reality after the emergence of a new fan-voted category at the 2022 Academy Awards.
This can help pave the way for Indonesian blockbusters to appear in the highest-grossing film award scene through voting on social media such as Twitter.

Starting Monday, Twitter users can vote for their favorite movie of 2021 by tweeting the title along with #OscarsFanFavorite and #Sweepstakes. In addition, we can also vote through the official website of the Oscar 2022. Votes will be counted for any film, even if that film does not receive a single Oscar nomination.

Each user can vote up to 20 times per day. The winning film will then be revealed during the Academy Awards broadcast, which will be held on March 27th.

Not only that, three Twitter users who have cast their votes will be selected to travel to Los Angeles to witness the Oscars.

"We're excited to partner with Twitter to help build an engaged and excited digital audience ahead of this year's ceremony," said Meryl Johnson, Academy's vice president of digital marketing.

Another Twitter contest will run from February 24 to March 3, with users voting on the #OscarsCheerMoment. For this new category, voters will determine their favorite movie moment of 2021, and the winning scene will be featured during the Oscars with fan tweets. Five lucky people will receive a year's worth of free movie tickets at the theater of their choice, streaming subscriptions, and exclusive items from the Academy Museum Store.

In 2019, the Oscars briefly tested the system with the most popular film category, which is expected to bring more mainstream commercial films into the awards race. However, it was unfortunately short-lived and was scrapped after rejection from critics and Oscar voters.

Besides Yuni, there are many local films that have made brilliant achievements in the international arena. Starting from such as Longing for Revenge Must be Paid Completely, Copying Light to Paranoia who now have the opportunity to compete in this new category.

The Story of Michael Jackson Wants to Buy Marvel to Become Spider-Man, Spidey Moonwalk?

There is a unique story between Michael Jackson and Marvel. In the '90s, the king of pop was said to want to buy Marvel shares.
The beginning of the story, Michael Jackson who is a fan of comics, wants to appear as Spider-Man in live-action. Stan Lee, the comic writer also confirmed the news during the promotion of Marvel Studios' first Avengers film.

The Marvel creator revealed that Michael Jackson felt the only way to get picked as the star of Spider-Man, was to buy the entire company outright.

Jackson's intentions are further confirmed in more detail in the 2020 episode of Popcorned Planet where Michael Jackson's nephew, Taj, is interviewed. Jackson is apparently serious enough to buy Marvel in his mission to play Spider-Man.
Oh yes, it must also be understood that Marvel's conditions at that time were not like now. At that time, the company was said to be almost bankrupt. To be precise, in 1996, Jackson was said to have submitted an official submission.

However, Taj relates that the negotiations failed for unknown reasons.

"I remember being with my brothers and him talking about buying Marvel.They had talked and discussed that. Unfortunately, it didn't happen, I think they were banned from doing that," he said.

If that happens, we won't be able to see Toney Maguire as the first live-action Spider-Man in 2002. If it works, the King of Pop, will be the main character in Marvel Comics, and of course will be as iconic as the figure itself. But Michael Jackson's dream of becoming Spider-Man never came true.

In addition, the Spider-Man film, starring Michael Jackson, is likely to be considered more of a pride project for the King of Pop, or maybe there is a moonwalk in one of the acts?

Talk to the Clandestine Stars

The Clandestine film will air on KlikFilm on Friday (18/2/2022). This film also reunites Dannia Salsabilla and Abun Sungkar who previously played in the film Mariposa.
In the film, Dannia plays the figure of Yoko, a brave soldier boy. In the thriller drama, Dannia will struggle with several action scenes.

"If I were here as Yoko, Yoko would be a brave child and Yoko would be the son of a former soldier, who I will be holding hostage later," said Dannia Salsabilla at the Falcon Pictures office, Jalan Duren Tiga, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Monday 14 February 2022.

Talking about acting difficulties, Dannia was required to scream. On the other hand, he also had a hard time holding back laughter because his co-star Abun Sungkar was too funny.

"The difficulty is having to go into a role where I will be in pain later, I will have to scream later, and then move around so I will get injured. The difficulty is when the scene is serious, he (Abun Sungkar) often jokes. Abun this is often a joke. It's difficult when shooting and the scene is serious, the default is actually laughing," explained Dania.

This Clandestine film is my first genre and I get out of my comfort zone. I always play teen romance drama films," he added.

On the other hand, Abun finds it easy to compete with other players, even though he plays the character of a child with special needs (ABK) named Damar. Moreover, he admitted that he had fit in with Dannia, who had one frame.

"My character here is Damar. Damar is a child with special needs who doesn't have a mother at home, so he lives with his father who happens to have an electronic service business, so sometimes Damar likes to help, so he has expertise in sorting things," said Ash.

Even though it fits with Dannia, it is the first time to compete acting with Shareefa Daanish Abun. Even though it means that the senior actress Abun doesn't have a problem.

"The players are fun. I and Dannia Salsalbilla have worked together, so the acting is very safe. If you are with Kak Shareefa Daanish, this is the first time acting here. Building chemistry is also enjoyable and easy with not too much reading time," said Abun Sungkar.

Because he plays thriller films, Abun also looks for references from other films. Including exploration of a child with special needs.

"Because I played the first thriller, I prefer to watch thriller films, like the movie Wrong Turn. I also ask a lot of friends who happen to have special needs, ABK," said Abun.

Meanwhile, Shareefa Daanish, who plays a strict teacher named Puspa, uses Inspector Alicia Sierra in Money Heist as a source of inspiration.

"The deepening of characters is other than reading and discussing with Mr. Sunu as the director. So there are more discussions with Mas Sunu, so actually at that time there was one character that for me became a reference in the money heist, the pregnant policewoman became my character reference. really," explained Shareefa Daanish.

Clandestine tells the story of the bullying experienced by Damar at school, this film is played by Abun Sungkar, Dannia Salsabila, and Shareefa Danish and directed by Dyan Sunu Prastowo. The film, produced by Falcon Picture, will be broadcast on the KlikFilm streaming platform on February 18, 2022.


Loki Season 2 Ready to Film, Owen Wilson Joins the Spirit!

Marvel Studios is still closing the plot for Loki's second season . After Gugu Mbatha-Raw leaked that Ravonna Renslayer's character will return to Loki 2, now it's Owen Wilson's turn to be excited.
Owen Wilson plays the character Mobius in Loki. He is a TVA employee who later forms a friendship with Loki. Mobius was also close to Ravonna Renslayer before the events of the first season changed their relationship.

In an interview with Wired, Owen Wilson confirmed his involvement in Loki season 2. He also admitted that he had a lot of fun working on the first season of the Disney+ series.

"Emmmm ... yes, Owen Wilson is going back to Loki," Owen Wilson said.

"Looks like we'll be starting shooting in the near future. It was fun with Tom Hiddleston and everyone there," he continued.

Until now, Marvel Studios is still very closed to this project, like their other projects. However, as previously stated, theories regarding the continuation of Loki's story, the variants, and also TVA have emerged.

With the emergence of various variants of Loki in season 1, we can hope that there will be many surprises in season 2 as well.

Previously, Gugu Mbatha-Raw reported that he would return to Loki season 2. Like Owen, Gugu can't wait to show another side of Renslayer.

"I knew there would be a season 2, I knew I would also appear in season 2, but that's all I can say!" said Gugu Mbatha-Raw in a recent interview with Good Morning America.

"I really like Renslayer's character. I'm really excited to explore him further. I'm also happy because people are really looking forward to the next season," he continued.




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