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purchased a TV via PayPal for a total of around $470 initiated from Facebook Marketplace and he told me I could pay through PayPal so I did. I have attached my multiple attempts to contact. I gave him my address of where it should be shipped to and I sent the money by PayPal. After I sent, communicating virtually stooped until he ghosted me and I realized that I had been scammed. I immediately contacted PayPal and the representative told me that I should contact my card issuer and get them to file a claim to hold the funds on the sellers account. I asked them twice to be sure and the agent assured me I could take this route to recover my funds as I have been robbed and I have had multiple conversations on this matter since with PayPal support. I filed a claim which was denied within a few hours the first time. I asked Chime to reopen the investigation to help me recover my funds from the merchant's PayPal. I disputed the 7th and Chime declined on the 7th as well just after a few hours only. Chime refused to dispute claiming it is against the terms but the I was told by a PayPal representative that I could and I should. The only was I was able to get my dispute raised was to complain. The purpose of a dispute is to recover what a merchant refuses to help with and I was told any dispute with my card company is bound to their rules and not that of the merchant.. I submitted a rebuttal which was denied by Chime. They claimed that the merchant likely shipped the item which I proved false. The evidence is available for Chime to see once again. Chime has a pattern of doing this. There are hundreds of complaints of Chime refusing to help their customers when they have been frauded or scammed. I urge the readers of this report to take note that this could happen to you, as it has happened to countless people. All I am doing is asking Chime to do a proper investigation and help me recover my funds. Every time I inquire, I am gaslighted with generic responses.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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