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Haha! Wow. I thought you already knew answer to the question, you just asked. Anyways, let me tell you why English is better.

Here's the reason: English is NOT better than any other language. Period.

Then why we learn English? Answer: I don't know why you are learning English. There's no single reason for it. I learnt English because it made me able to talk to majority of people. Just imagine, how would the world be where everyone have their own language to communicate. 7 Billion languages!!! Now, would anyone be able to talk to each other inspite of having 7 billion languages? NO! Why, you ask? Because no one can understand any one else's language. So, slowly slowly, we began to communicate in each other's languages and this is how English became the popular language.

In early days, the English speaking people were quick enough to spread out in the world and hence spread their language. While, Tamil and Telugu speaking people didn't move out of their local regions. This is how English became popular and most widely used.

Why we write programs in English language? Well, no one writes in English language. We all write in programming language, whose syntax uses some English words and punctuation marks. That's it. In reality, programming began by using zeroes and ones.

But still, why all programming languages use English words? Because computers and keyboards were invented by people speaking English. Too bad for our Ego!!! (On a side note, there's a language called BrainFuck ( which doesn't uses English words at all. If you are interested in learning it, I can pass you on some tutorials and my best wishes.) ;)

Now, talking about similarity between human languages and programming languages, it doesn't matter which language you are using until it is solving your problem in the most desired way. Example: If you want to write a book, that only you will read, then you can write it in any language you want. Even create your own language for it. No problem at all. But, it you want to write a book that you want Americans to read, you have no choice to write it in any other language except English.

Same case is here. If you want to write a program that does XYZ thing, write in any language. But if you are writing that program for your client and your client asks it in PHP, then you have no choice to write in any other language. Or, if you want your code to work nicely with another code written in Python, then write in any language that works well along with Python.

Seriously, there's no one BEST language. It all depends on the requirements and the problem in hand. I hope, I was able to clear your point.

Takeaway from this long comment: Don't think too much before programming. Just do it in any language you want. Switching to a new language is a matter of 1 week if you have good experience working with any one language. All the best! :)
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