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Gustavo Petro, Winner of the Historic Pact: Lights and Shadows , Candidate for the Presidency, has confirmed the favouritism that was apparent in the polls in the last few weeks.

(Positions of the candidates for the Historic Pact to Pensions and Inflation).

The victory in the Historic Pact coalition was won by the former mayor of Bogota, and the former senator of Republic. He was officially the candidate for President of the Republic, which is a position he longs to be able to hold for the third time.

Despite gustavo petro regarding various issues and fronts his high turnout during the consultation has made him the most representative persona of Colombia's left. declared his intention to change the pension system through the establishment of a public administrator for pension funds. Petro also plans to establish an arrangement that is "mixed-and-complementary" and private fund.

The candidate has said that in Colombia "we do not have a pension system, but banks have a profit system," so many claim that he would end the chances of reaching the presidency. Petro recently said that he would not eliminate the system but would push for reforms to pensions in order to provide the minimum amount of income to Colombians. He said "no need" to increase the age of retirement.

(Who make up of contenders for the Historic Pact).

Another of his controversial issues is the fact that he repeatedly said that he will stop oil extraction when the day he assumes office as president, which has caused uncertainty among investors as well as the market in general.

gustavo petro believe that Petro's plan of ending oil exploration would have a devastating effect on Colombia, costing Colombia $4.3 trillion.

I am also proposing to set up an anti oil front in the region as well as the world. This will help move the economy away from fossil fuels. To this I am inviting Gabriel Boric (the new Chilean president) and LuizInacio Lula da Silva (the Brazilian LuizInacio Lula da Silva) as well as other.

Petro has said that he spoke with the Premier Minister of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, about his plan. on health issues is also controversial. He is insistent on ending EPS and replacing it with the preventive-care model which "guarantees the rights of individuals and not the bankers' profits."

He has also raised questions about the independence of the Banco de la Republica and declared that he will make a reform when he becomes President. said that the Bank Board of Directors belonged to the Democratic Center and "What we want is an independent Bank of the Republic (...) it is essential that the board of directors has the presence of society members," the candidate stated in the middle of an argument.

(Petro has the highest percentage of votes in the presidential election According to Invamer).

His plan to issue cash to fund the government's spending was a source of controversy.

Petro's proposals include an economy that isn't dependent, hydrocarbon extraction and mining, as well as a stronger agricultural role.

He also said that he will implement tax reforms to end exemptions and transform the concept of minimum wage into a real-world wage that is built on capital and income.

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