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each story has a regular world/regular life
then something happens, called inciting incident that gets things going, its the spark that starts the fire, incites the action
new world doesn't need to be a new world, it can be metaphorical like new job or new personality trying to live with
rules of the new world, applies to sci fi where you need to establish the rules of this world, audience and character understand rules
helpers, or mentors that show up, can appear to help but may also hurt characters.
the villain, every movie in some way or another has this, villains can be metaphorical or internal, emotional villains like depression or grief. general rule is that the stronger they are the better.
Quest, journey, the goal, one of most important things of any movie. could be emotional or internal, like something that is the core drive or goal, that the main character wants and the audience wants for them. (maybe like getting over grief)
2nd Act- things get going in this act
conflict- the number one important thing, drama and comedy have this, comedy is drama just with jokes, the more conflict the better, aaron sorkin, the key is getting two characters in a room together and giving them something to fight about, also lot about intention vs obstacle, a character wants something. but there is an obstacle in the way.
Plot conflict- literal stuff like boulder in the way, gorge with alligators, keeps action and suspension going, keeps it entertaining
creates opportunity for character conflict, movie isn't always about a plot, good strong characters influence good strong plot, two opposite characters having to learn to get along to achieve a similar goal. character conflict makes it interesting. all woven together
character, very important
backstory- everything that happened before the story or movie started, its like the treasure chest that can influence the story in interesting ways,
character arcs- grounded in fact that when audience watch movie, they don't want characters to be same as they were at beginning, not every characters need to change for good, but they do need to be different from who they were before. impact on issues from plot
not every character arc needs to be dramatic
stop for comedy- generally speaking any important element needs to be there, if it doesn't need to be there then it shouldn't be there, but comedy is an exception, as long as its funny.
plant and payoff- plant something that has content that someone learns, and it pays off later. audience knows if something put on screen, then its there for a reason. paying off what you planted before
new characters- always bring energy into the story, they're good or bad, but they add fresh energy and life to the cast. also bring new knowledge new relationships can form as well. conflict comes from challenge.
best is when plot and character intertwine, challenge characters with new problems, this reveals more about them and who they might be becoming
there are love/friendship stories, or just better relationship story, some kind of emotional connection between two people. if just plot and action, then its kind of not investing
climax- big ultimate battle scene or big proposal, can be emotional, physical, the desires, wants, intentions, the quests, momentum of the story comes ahead, opposing forces finally clash in an intense final collision, the general rule is to make it as difficult as possible for your heroes, make it seem impossible, but come up with idea that they can and all that. heroes usually prevail.
ABA structure- end up back where you started but everything changed (metaphorically)
take useful things from stories and you also have to practice it, make it interesting get invested in it.

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