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How to Clean a Flour Sifter - Make flour dust disappear by Getting Rid of Lumps
It's an established fact that a bigger hand sifting machine it, the harder to clean it as well. So, here, are the different strategies on How To clean a flour sieve easily? So, just remember not to throw away your sifter after getting clogged; instead, try out these useful tips on How to clean a flour Sifter. Just follow these easy suggestions and I'm sure that everything will be back to normal in no time.

When you have your device dirty, you need to start cleaning it as soon as possible. The first thing you have to do is remove the water from your flour. So if you can, try drying your sifting device in the sun instead of keeping it in a dry place. This will help preserve the device and will prevent the build up of tiny holes. If your flour container has a very large hole, you can use a hair dryer to blow dry it and then you can use a tiny brush to clean the tiny holes. By removing the water from the surface, you're actually removing the food particles that are stuck inside the strainer or in between the teeth of the sieve.

Next step in cleaning your flour sifting tool is to remove the lint or pieces of cloth from the sieve. Remember that the lint attracts the flour particles and so, once you have removed the lint, you have also removed the particles that are stuck on the other parts of the machine. Then, you need to wipe off any excess dirt by using a wet towel or dry cloth. However, if your sifting is still not effective after doing all these steps, then it's better to take your machine to a professional cleaner. But, you can also do the cleaning yourself.

You need to identify those lumps before you can remove them. In cleaning the lumps, you can use a metal spoon or a ladle without loosening the lumps completely. It is best to use the ladle so that you can transfer the whole grain into another bowl for further processing. Once the whole grain has been transferred into the new bowl, you can use a butter knife to loosen the lumps in the sifting mixture. Once the lumps have been loosened, you can continue with the process.

Now, when everything has been cleaned, dried, and removed from the flour sifter, you can store it back in its original box or bag. Make sure that you completely dry it and that you don't leave any moisture on it because it might start molding. You can place it back into its original plastic bag. But, if you intend to store it for a long period of time, you can wrap it in a plastic freezer bag. You should also remember to thoroughly wash your hands after you are done removing all the lumps because you don't want to transfer anything else to your food.

Learning how to clean a flour sifter is very easy. Once you get rid of the lumps, you can move on to cleaning the interior part of the gadget. This is where all the grime and dirt accumulates. The best way to get rid of dirt on your kitchen gadget is through cleaning it with soapy water. When you have completely cleaned it, store it back into its original box or bag and dry it completely before storing away for the winter.

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