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As the sun rose, Winter could tell that she needed to head back to the human world, but she couldn't leave Luna alone in her den. Should she take Luna with her? "no" she thought "I can't bring her, can I?" She thought about it, "Wouldn't Maiya be mad?" she accidently said out loud "I might have to bring her..." She looked at the Werewolf pup, "Luna, have you ever been to the human world?" She didn't get anything but an "Arf" back, as Luna was under a year old. "I take that as a no." Winter said, then giggled at the young pup. "Do you want to see the human world?" She looked at the pup almost longingly. Again, Luna responded with a small "Arf" Winter sighed "What should I expect?" She asked herself as Luna turned into her human form, then her werewolf form, then her wolf form. "Is that a yes?" She pet the pup's head. Luna nodded and started jumping all over the den. Winter started saying some sort of poem or something in a foreign language.
Soon enough, they appeared in a small bedroom in the human world. "Luna, come on, let's go outside!" Winter said to the small pup, "there are squirrels outside!" Winter brings Luna outside and they run off into the woods together. "Look, a salamander!" Winter points at a small lizard-like animal.

Luna grew up to be a very happy werewolf, She spent a lot of her 9,976 year long life with Winter.
heh, I wrote this about you and for you Luna!
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