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so basically Anthony, Ryan, and I got into a call to talk about the movie + vents + just talking about "life" problems.
Anthony first messages me asking if he has my consent to talk about Melody to Ryan and I said go for it. We always do so what's stopping us now.
So, first we talked about the Instagram post with the thing.
And he was like "oh shes looking for a relationship and stuff, she's not interested in me"
and I was like ??? what do you mean she's looking for a relationship that's not true.
I said how you were not looking for one but rather open for it.
And he apparently took it the wrong way and thought by "open" meaning like ACTIVELY LOOKING for a partner.
Then he starts speculating like freaking theorizing OH MY GOD.
Apparently, I think you changed your bubbles profile picture to the princess bubble gum.
Then you changed it to a mermaid with hearts?
But, right after you changed it back to the princess bubble gum and he's like theorizing why you would do that.
And I'm over here like ???, how did you even notice all this? I didn't even know she had a freaking mermaid profile picture at some point.
Continuing on he's just like overthinking everything and then he asks me for the last time.
He said this would be the last time he asks and says, "anything new?"
And I say no again.
He's like, "Really? She didn't ask about anything? Or mention anything about the movie? How I didn't say hi?"
And i'm like "no??"
And he's like "oh okay. She must not be interested then"
and Ryan and I are like, "just case she doesn't look at your direction or talk doesn't mean she's not interested."
I say " literally dude, you don't even talk to her. She's the one that probably thinks you're not interested."
Ryan agrees and I continue giving an example of what he is doing-
"Imagine if you were trying to talk to someone and befriend them but, they were ignoring you or just not responding to you at all. Would you continue trying to talk to them?"
And he's like No, and Ryan and I are like exactly that's our point.
But this little boy is like, "But, you guys don't understand. This is different"
and we are like HOW
and then he goes on the monologue about 9th grade about how his grades were peaking because you weren't there and Ryan is like-
"so you're saying that Melody is the reason for your bad grades now"
and omg this little boy was SO INFURIATING.
and he's like ooh like, he doesn't study anymore or something and we are like "cause you're procrastinating, it's not because of melody"
and he starts like, not making sense.
"Oh, If she doesn't care. Then why should I?'
and talks about how one time, he messaged you but you didn't reply for like a hour or something and Ryan and I went off on him.
Ryan and I were saying how you were possibly busy during that time but, Anthony was like "NO. She's on her phone because she's on her phone during class"
and I said how you were probably asleep or something, spending time with your family.
And Ryan is like- how many times have you messaged her.
Anthony : .... once.
omg it was so stupid and it gets even worse cause in the end he's just like "oh ill just go back to my minecraft friends, go back the past before everything was complicated"
like no, you're the one making this complicated and you can't go back to the past.
We're encouraging him to talk to you / make friendly relations with you because we know he's going to regret it but this little boy think he knows everything and he's like
"oh I'm not going to regret it."
and we are like "how do you know"
"i just know" LIKE ???
He starts talking about how he has had "experience", more experience than Ryan and I and we are like BS.
Just because you have experience doesn't mean you should automatically outlaw anything we say.
I call him out, and saying to stop acting like you know everything and he denies it but, CONTINUES TALKING ABOUT HOW HE IS RIGHT.
He's like "I'm not saying that I'm right. I'm just saying that I know that I won't regret this decision in the future."
So infuriating bro.
I don't want to type more stuff so-

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