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ehehhhhh guess who's copying you gaia :D

(cue reality show theme music)
[announcer:] welcome, viewers, to the second episode of A Very Bad Idea! previously on A Very Bad Idea, andre left gayathri a message in the first line of a dm in the hopes that she would never find it. unfortunately for him, gaia found out, much to his despair. upon reading her reply, he was very uhhhhhh tbh idk lmao cough cough

uhm. heyoo :D again this isn't to be taken seriously uhhh so yeah. don't.

well first off thanku for your seemingly endless tolerance of random hyper kiddos jumping in your dms like 40 times a day eheheh :3 i'm v sorry but i just feel like talking to you whenever i get bored or uhhhm yknow not as high as i can be. soo yeah just let me know if you need some time for like uhh idk study or anything bc i personally am terrible at gauging when people are busy or irritated or agitated and i just keep spamming them and uhhhh yeah you know what happens lmao

i'm happy i make you feel better sometimes though :D pls hmu when you're having a bad day and need some caffeine-boosted hyperactivity from 3500 kilometers away :3

and uh yeah mental health is a terrible idea. no.

i kinda wish i had the nerve to actually stand voluntarily in front of a camera though. someday, maybe. because like literally just the thought of having a camera in my face makes me want to cringe away from the imagined camera so uhhh yeah ask james if you don't believe me but whenever i think james is pointing the camera end of his phone at me my first response is gonna be to turn tf around so my face is hidden; the second is to promptly smack the phone out of his hand (i accidentally threw it against the ceiling once; don't ask, i don't know how it happened either. the phone was fine though.) it just feels second nature at this point to avoid cameras at all costs uhhh i don't know if it's because i'm super insecure as a person or just i don't like the idea of my picture being taken..? i suspect it's a mixture of both but aaaa idk

..same applies to vc eheh my voice sounds absolutely terrible you're lucky you don't have to listen to it on a daily basis like james does :D

aand yes i love talking to you amg you make me so comfortable and happi :DD it's so fun to rant about due dates, rhapsodize about apples and just being stupid in general with you aaaaaaa :D good talks

and i love hearing about your life.... uhh no that sounded weird
like uhhh it's interesting to know how other people live their lives but you're esPeciALLy inTeResTinG ahahaha isn't that cool you're now my study subject :D so pls give me more desk pictures and the like bc i love them :3

uhhhhhh potential? me...? nope the only potential i have is the gravitational potential i lose while falling 30 storeys from a window onto a pavement

that was a joke. just kidding. shshhh. no.

uhmmm so yeah thank you for putting up with my volatile personality (cough nuclear warhead) and the terrible jokes i tell like every 5 minutes ehehhhhhhh i'm sorry bye
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