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Ancient Era Mapgame
This is an Era mapgame,which means the technologies will be discovered turn by turn.

Getting started
To play,you first need to select(found) a civilization.
The following must be provided
-Name ( MUST be historical)
-Location (show on map) –Must be a historical location for your country, IN ANCIENT ERA .
You start with 3 provinces and 500 population.

-3 provinces/turn
-this increases with adm tech
-you need to have at least 100 free pop to expand in 1 province
-it costs you 30 pop to expand
-1 province gives 200 pop and 10 g/turn

Player rules
1.Dont swear too much.
2.Admin is always right.
3.If you notice admin abuse, report to owner or to anotehr admin.
4.Each Player has to EDIT HIS OWN TURN !!!
5.If you notice any cheaters , issue a complaint to any game admin/mod
6.BugExploit not allowed!

Admin rules :
1.Admins play by the same rules as other players.

Ages and Technology :

Prehistory (Tool Age)

Mil tech 0 Peasant : 0g
Adm tech 0 : Base expansion : 3 provinces/turn.

Mil Tech 1 :Primitive Army:Allows recruitment of clubmen and sligers
Adm tech 1: Farming.(Allows you build farms) .Expansion increased to 5 provinces per turn
Dip tech 1: Fishing(Allows you build fishing shacks)-sea and river adjacent tile only.

Lvl 1 of any tech costs 150g.

Bronze age -500G to research.
-Allows forming Nations
-Allows Government form
-Enables culture bonuses

-Mil tech 2: Bronze Weapons:Allows recruitment of Swordsman,Archer,Hoplite,Siege Ram
-Mil tech 3 :Cavalry:Allows you to recruit Light cav,Heavy Cav,Horse archer,Chariot,Unique Unit
-Mil tech 4:Workshops:Allows to build Balistae

-Adm tech 2: Religion:Allows you to pick a religion and get religious bonuses.You have 50% chance to atract provinces of your religion each turn.
(provinces already have religion and if you choose a different one than theirs you may get negative or positive events)
(going with unhistorical choice also atracts consequences).Expansion increased to +7/turn
-Adm tech 3 :Mining:Allows you to Build mines(Requires mointains).Farming +1/turn. Expansion increased to +10/turn
-Adm tech 4 :Early Civilization:Allows you build Towns.Expansion increased to +14/turn

-Dip Tech 2: Alphabet:Allows you to create a language.Enables Diplomacy.
-Dip Tech 3 :Sailing:Allows you to build docks and basic ships
-Dip Tech 4:Trade:Enables trading with other players.

lvl 2 of each tech costs 400G
lvl 3 of any tech costs 700G
lvl 4 of any tech costs 1000G

Iron age -5000G +Adm 4,Dip Tech3 Mil tech 3

-Adm tech 5. Iron Tools:Farming +1 mining +2 cities+3.Max expansion=17prov/turn
-Mil tech 4 :swordsman,composite bowman,Peltast Phalanx,Catapult
-Adm tech 6.Civilization.Allows you build cities,to increase population.Max expansion = 20prov/turn
-Mil tech 5: Elite Light cav,Elite Heavy cav,Elite Horse archer,Elite unique unit
lvl 5 any tech cost 2000
lvl 6 any tech cost 2500


Farm .
[Building desc]
After a long period of migration , the mankind reali
sed the importance of agriculture because of it’s capacity to sustain them without needing to be on constant move for food.This allowed people to settle and found the first civilizations
Pop increase:+40
Pop limit increase:+200g
Workers required:40g

Fishing Shack
[Bulding desc]
People have learned to use the rivers and the sea in order to gather fish which is cool and tastes better than vegetables because it's meat
Pop increase:55
Workers required:40

[Building desc]
The coming of the metal ages changed dramatically history, allowing people to have to forge new and more lethal weapons , and use new metal tools for improved efficiency.We shall build mines to extract precious metals for the good of our civilization.
[Building Info]
Workers: 80
Income :60g

[Building desc]
With the coming of the bronze age, the civilization has experienced a population boom and people started to organize into cities ,improving living standards.
[Building info]
Workers: 0
Income: 100 g/turn
Bonus: +400 pop / turn ; +5000 pop limit

[Building desc]
We should start
[Building info]
Workers: 0
Income: 175g/turn
Bonus: +700 pop / turn ; +20000 pop limit

[Bulding desc]
Thing people were building to defend provinces easier
[Building info]
Cost : 200g
Special:improves defences in a small area

!You can UpgrayeDD Your units by paying the difference!
!Only same category units can be upgraded (clubman into swordman).Archer cannot into spearman!

!A regiment(the thing you recruit) equals 10 soldiers (u buy 10 at price of one,just like we did with blacks in good'ol days)!

Wars(Availble after Turn 3):
All units have strengths and weaknesses

Each turn you can ocupy (not take) an amount of land.You will get stuff from them 1 turn but you have to make peace in order to permanently get them .Warscore varies between -100% decisive defeat and +100% (decissive victory).Each province worths 2%warscore ,meaning in a war you can take max 30 provinces.
To declare war you must either share coast or provinces.Notice that if your country is line-shaped its lot easier to conquer.
Peasants can only be used in defense,never in offense.
More than 20 regiments on a provicne cause atrition
In fort you can store up to 2000 troops.If those are archers, they deal a 5x incraesed dmg in case of asault.

Adm tech 1 - Transport Ship 5g .Transports 100.
Mil tech 1 - Scout ship-15g Atk 4,Ranged def 1 ,
Mil tech 2 - Bireme 20g Atk 6,ranged def 2 ,
Mil tech 3 - Fire galley 25g Atk :4, Ranged def 3 ,SPECIAL :Double dmg to Scout Ship,Bireme and New unit that will come
Mil tech 3- catapult galley. 25g atk:12,ranged def:2. Special : Attacks on shore 2 province range. .500 soldiers transported
Mil tech 4-trireme 35g : atk 12 ,ranged def 3
Mil tech 4-elite fire galley 40g atk 7,ranged def 5
Milt ech 4- heavy trasport 15g - transprots 3000
Mil tech 5-juggernaut 50g .atk:20,ranged def 4

You can make individual alliacnes which are indivual alliances betwen two countries
You can make NaP with orhers (you cant war eachother in offensive wars).Ending a war sets 5 turns of NaP for both.
In a deffensive war ,countries can break any alliance/NaP rule except if Empire) to join THE DEFENDING SIDE ONLY.
Coalitions of more than 4 states are not allowed.

Breaking a Nap means -5 stability -20 morale
Braeking alliance means -2 stability -30 morale
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