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Subject Line – Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch. 1 of 7] Let me help you look & feel younger
Hi [name],
This is Sedrick Chamuel and I want to welcome you to my world.
Congratulations for becoming part of Chamuel Men's Skincare mailing list
This mailing list is where I share invaluable resources that will help you get back the smooth, radiant, youthful and attractive skin you had years ago.
.…the one you dream about now when you look in the mirror and wonder; " I shouldn't look so old, so soon..."
I’m talking of the same secrets that helped me recapture my youthful spark and look 15 years younger.
I’m truly grateful and excited that you’ve joined me on this adventure to a younger version of you!
I also have some amazing gifts for you in the coming weeks and I will continue to give as much value as I possibly can in the future.
…because I was once in your shoes
My journey to combat premature & rapid aging started many years ago and it’s been a roller coaster of a ride but well worth it.
I now help men reverse the signs of aging and get healthier, smoother firmer and younger skins.
My mission this is to help 100 people every month to get beautiful and vibrant skin that look 10 years younger…without wasting money on expensive cosmetics!
I honestly hope you can be a success story in the future!
Please note that I’ve made it my goal to always give away better information for free than what other people charge for.
In fact, I’m going start that tomorrow when I’ll let you in on the reason you are seeing signs of aging on your skin.
I’ll also real to you a line of skin care products that’s similar to what top male celebrities, models, and actors all use to achieve their amazing looks
This line of skin care product will help say a final goodbye to all your skin problems, instantly flip the ‘off switch’ on signs of rapid aging and make your skin look smooth as if you are aging ‘backwards’
....but ONLY if you open the email when it comes tomorrow.
Finally, I want our relationship to start out great. . . so I’m going to WOW you with so much value that you’ll feel obligated to pay me………..(only joking…kinda)
Sounds good?
Cool… then look for my email tomorrow. The subject line is Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch.2 of 7] -The Day Top Anti-Aging Products Failed Me……
Talk soon!
Sedrick Chamuel
P.S. If my emails aren’t getting through, you’ll miss all the updates and value that I provide to my loyal subscribers
So please take the following simple actions to make sure nothing slips through the cracks:
1) White list my email address so they don’t go to your spam folder!
If you don't know how to white list my email address, please click here or look the process up on YouTube.

It's easy!
2) If you are a Gmail user or you use any other web-based email that filters broadcasts away from your main inbox, be sure to “drag” any emails from me into your Priority Inbox. (Again, you don’t want to miss something.)
Subject Line: Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch.2 of 7] -The Day Top Anti-Aging Products Failed Me…
Hi [name]
As an anti-aging skin care expert, I now look younger than some folks who are years younger than my age.
But it wasn’t always like that.
No so long ago, I had wrinkles, rough and unhealthy skin and all signs of aging.
I still remember seeing my first wrinkle in the mirror…
It was as if blinders were removed and I could suddenly see signs of aging all over my face…
I marched right out of the bathroom and scolded my wife [name of supposed wife]…
“I don’t care if you hate taking pictures” I told her… “I want pictures to prove to my unborn children that I was once young and handsome” …
Her slack-jawed face held deer-in-the-headlight eyes…
So, I continued…
“I used to be handsome – and young – and now I’m not and it’s only going to get worse! And I’m not in any pictures because we never take them…”
“So you need to take pictures.”
Poor [name of supposed wife]… She didn’t know what hit her!
I look back now and it’s funny… but I wasn’t laughing at the time…
Because right up to that moment – aging – or “getting old” – was something that happened to other people… Not to me!
I guess I thought I was special...
I am happy to say that two things have changed since then…
1. My wife “gladly” takes photos now without much grumbling… AND
2. I feel and look young and handsome (again) …
The first was fairly immediate… [name of supposed wife]’s always been a quick learner!
But the second happened recently…
Because then, I felt old every time I looked in the mirror… And to be honest – I even considered plastic surgery (for the first time) …
However, I changed my mind because of the cost.
But because I was desperate to get rid of signs of aging – wrinkles, sagging skin and dull tone – and look at least 10 years younger, I started looking for other solutions
I bought countless training DVD'S, guides and books but all of them were talking of complicated, time consuming and ineffective anti-aging routines!
[Maybe you tried doing the same thing and had little success.]
Then I discovered many expensive skincare products that claimed to work magic and make me younger within about 1 week…
Unfortunately, none of them worked.
Worse still, after years of throwing away thousands of dollars buying disappointing “anti-aging” potions…and then wasting countless hours searching for something real…
I found out that those products were giving me skin problems!
It was then that I finally realized that even the best anti-aging product has failed me.
Then one day, I stumbled upon a secret that changed everything for me.
I discovered the root causes of my wrinkles and signs of aging and how to stop the problems at the root cause.
Well, I decided to try these secrets quickly, because there weren’t expensive.
And guess what? They worked for me!
To my surprise, during the first months I noticed the results... and they were awesome!!!
Today, my skin looks and feels like it did fifteen years ago…
More importantly – when I look in the mirror…
I feel young and handsome again…
Because at the end of the day – that’s what it’s about… at least for me… It’s not only about outside attention (although I have gotten compliments) but also the inner feelings
When I like what I see in the mirror, I’m more confident… I find myself smiling more – being more social & outgoing…
And just enjoying my day a little more…
It’s probably silly, but it’s how I feel… And I don’t think I’m alone – even in this day and age – when men aren’t supposed to care about such things…
Would you like to know the secrets I found out? Are you interested in discovering how I was able to reverse all my signs of aging and look 15 years younger?
If so, then look for my email tomorrow. I’m going to show you the secrets, and more importantly, how you can get and use them to achieve similar results in your own life!
So, be on the lookout for tomorrow’s email. The subject line is Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch. 3 of 6] Why Your Skin Has Signs Of Aging & What To Do About It
Sedrick Chamuel
P.S. I almost forgot. I told you yesterday I was going to show you a secret line of skin care products similar to what top male celebrities use to get smooth, beautiful and vibrant skin.
Well, here's it...
--> [link to your product page goes here]
These anti-aging products flat out work. And it has helped me and more I know look and feel younger than any other thing I have ever seen.
So go check them out and let’s see how they will make you look!
WARNING: Please don’t share that link with anyone else; it’s for my VIP subscribers only
Talk to you tomorrow!
Subject Line: Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch. 3 of 7] Why Your Skin Has Signs Of Aging & What To Do About It …
Dear [name],

I promised to tell you why you’re seeing signs of aging on your skin.


Well, the reason is simply Free Radicals
It is the same reason so many people suffer from skin problems like acne.
Yet...doctors, medical companies and the rest of the “healthcare” community refuse to talk about it.
Listen. Free radicals are everywhere. Your body absorbs them all the time.
They’re in the foods you eat… the air you breathe … the water you drink and bath with … the cosmetics you put on your skin … and almost everything you come into contact with.
They also attack you every day in the form of pollution, ultraviolet light, industrial chemicals, radiation, ozone depletion, and exhaust smoke just to name but a few causes.
Once free radicals have depleted your skin cells, they suck the moisture in your skin and make your body dry.
And when you have dry skin, your skin is tight and appears dull, especially your face, cheeks, neck and around your eyes.
Severe dry skin may lack elasticity, which accentuates fine lines and wrinkles. And for some people, it itches, burns and cracks!
That is why you are seeing signs of aging on your skin.
It is why your wrinkles, acne, under eye spots and other skin issues keep increasing no matter how many types of anti-aging cream you apply.
Another effect of free radicals on your skin is that they can reduce the collagen content of your skin.
Collagen and elastin are essential for maintaining youthful skin.
Collagen alone is a vital fibrous protein that connects and supports tissues including skin, bone, muscles, tendons, cartilage and organs.
It’s the main protein in connective tissue and is responsible for skin firmness and suppleness.
Elastin on the other hand, is a protein in connective tissue that is responsible for giving structure to skin. It allows your skin to resume shape after stretching or contracting.
Together, collagen and elastin keep connective tissue firm and help it to hold its shape. But as free radical enters your body, your skin loses collagen, and it loses elasticity.
The more collagen+elastin you lose, the more fine lines and wrinkles appear.
Now, to rejuvenate your skin and restore its smoothness and youthfulness…you need more elastin and collagen to strengthen your skin cells and make your skin more elastic.
The stronger and more elastic your skin cells, the more moisture they can hold and the smoother, softer and suppler your skin looks AND feels.
So to get rid of wrinkles, signs of aging and regain your youthful, radiant, smooth, soft and shiny skin easily and quickly, you need skin care products that will combat the effects of free radicals
…and increase the production of collagen and elastin
But be careful, because most anti-aging creams actually cause harm, disaster and damage on your skin — in the long term.
Yes, most of your cosmetics and skincare products are made of CHEMICALS!
It’s true that these chemicals help in beautifying your body. Unfortunately, some of them may be harmful to our bodies.
To prove my point, take a look at these facts:
• According to Gillian Deacon’s book, there are over 20 chemicals in our everyday beauty products, many of which are suspected to be carcinogenic.
• According to Radio Canada International, the Consumer Product Safety Program does not test cosmetics before they are sold. Because of this, our cosmetics contain a long list of chemicals. Some of them are known to be toxic; others are hormone disrupters that may be linked to cancer.
• A recent survey in America by David Suzuki Foundation revealed that 80% of the cosmetics used contained at least one of toxic chemical.
• And has this to say: …major loopholes in the federal law allows the cosmetics industry to put thousands of synthetic chemicals into personal care products, even those chemicals linked to cancer…
Now, have you ever thought about the long term effect of these chemical on your beautiful skin in the future?
Well, I know you’ll be shocked and outraged that these harmful substances may be in anti-aging and skin care products you use.
But you’ll also be relieved…
Because there is a perfect line of product to fight the enemy of your youthful radiance without exposing yourself to dangerous chemicals
• This line of products gives your body the power to stop the effects of free radicals on your skin and reverse the damage it has already caused…
• It gives you a clear, smooth and youthful looking skin; help you to get rid of wrinkles, acne and under eye darkness and promotes a generally healthy, fresh and spotless skin in the shortest time possible.
• It also helps you to flip the ‘off switch’ on signs of rapid aging, transform your body and skin, make your body look smooth as if you are aging ‘backwards and say a final good bye to your skin problems.
• These products have been used to originally help thousands of people around the world regain their youthful and radiant skin
Once you have used what I am about to hand over to you now, you will feel and look like a completely new person in a few short weeks.
So please throw away your chemical loaded, ineffective anti-aging products

…because tomorrow, I’m going to introduce you this line of anti-aging products.

Watch out for my email with the subject line Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch. 4 of 6] The Anti-aging products that made me look 25 years younger tomorrow
Sedrick Chamuel

P.S. Listen... I hate suspense as much as you do.

So I’m thinking of pulling back the curtains and giving you a quick glimpse of what I will reveal to you in my next email tomorrow.

Heck, if you can't wait till tomorrow, might as well get a head start on it by clicking here-->

Subject Line: Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch. 4 of 7] The Anti-aging products that made me look 15 years younger
Hi [name],
Using effective natural based skin care products was the biggest turning point in my quest for a younger, smooth, radiant, youthful and attractive skin
But when I first made up my mind to reverse all the signs of aging on my skin, I tried many things that didn’t work.
It was later that I realized why I had struggled for so long to get the results I wanted.
I had worked so hard to try and figure out the concepts of rapid aging and wrinkle formation…
Then I had an aah ha moment…
All those years I purchasing and using costly, chemical based anti-aging products.
In fact, I was essentially bathing myself with chemical.
This was expensive, dangerous and not very rewarding at all; it nearly gave me more serious skin problems.
It was only after realizing the root causes of the signs of aging on my skin that decided to look something that will fight the problems from the root cause.
Because of this secret I discovered and my expertise in skin care, I’m now able to look and feel 15 years younger!
Today, I have the clear youthful looking skin I desired.
Every day I get up happy about this skin I’ve been given…
I no longer worry about what I’ll see when I look into the mirror.
I no longer have to worry about wrinkles and unhealthy skin.
I no longer have to worry about freckles, age spots, skin sagging, acne marks, dark underarms and other hyperpigmentation problems!
And most importantly, I don’t waste money on expensive anti-aging products again…
However, the only problem I have is that so many people now disturb to show them how I got my new amazing, smooth and youthful skin!
Would you like to know how I achieved all these?
If so, I just decided to post the skin care products that helped to go from a being ashamed of the signs of aging on my face to looking 15 years younger.
It’s called Chamuel Men's Skincare Products and you can get them here:
[link to your product page goes here]
These products are made of natural ingredients that strengthen your cells and allow your skin to retain more moisture, naturally where you need it –and gives you a smoother, softer and healthier skin.
When you use them as directed…
• cracked and damaged skin is moisturized to maintain skin hydration at a cellular level, boosting the renewal process from the inside and out.
• wrinkles and sun-damaged areas fill out and look fresh due to restoration of the skin’s hydro- lipid layer.
• fine lines and wrinkles disappear and the structural integrity of the skin is improved.
• skin beauty is supported from the inside out and production of collagen which is responsible for supple skin is enhanced.
• age spots, sagging neck skin, thread veins and scarring will be removed.
• skin sagging and bagging, under eye blackness, acne and signs of aging will be removed
• the appearance of stretch marks as well skin damages will be minimized.
• signs of aging will be reversed due to properties such as the high levels of anti-oxidants that neutralise free radical damage, and skin-softening agents.
So go check these products out now, and let me know what you think.

Sedrick Chamuel
P.S. Tomorrow, I’ll show you a few hidden benefits of using Chamuel Men's Skincare Products…benefits you probably don’t even know exist.
Be on the lookout for an email with the headline Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch 5 of 6] Hidden Benefits tomorrow!

Subject Line: Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch 5 of 7] Hidden Benefits
When I first started my skin care line, I was concerned because I didn’t have a degree, credibility or anything!
I just knew that my products worked for me. And when I shared my them with others, they worked for them too.
These people instantly flipped the ‘off switch’ on signs of rapid aging and their skin looked smooth as if they were aging ‘backwards’...
But what caught me off guard was how helping other men get the results they want on their skin actually started to make me happy and improve the quality of my own life!!
That’s a benefit I never expected.
Another thing that surprised me is that users of our skin care products are not only interested in reversing the signs of aging on their skin…
They also wanted to:
• have all the power to unleash their inner radiance
• wake up, catch their reflections in the mirror…and become overwhelmed with a sense of awe for how utterly stunning they look.
• become free from the tedious makeup rituals like women, to hide their wrinkles….and be able to step out the door with next to nothing on their face.
• feel supremely confident knowing their true, authentic handsomeness is shining through.
• receive attention from their partners and other women alike - who are magnetized by their blissful, serene god-like handsomeness. Women CAN'T turn away because they’re THAT naturally gorgeous.
• look ladies straight in the eyes, with a confidence about the way they look.
• look almost instantly younger... and shattering their own limiting beliefs about aging - as those lines and wrinkles begin to effortlessly fade away.
• have the freedom of going to the beach, the pool, on a hike, a sexy date ... or simply shopping with their partner… never having to worry about how their skin looks
• feel the excitement that comes when your family and friends ask them..."How's it possible for you to look SO much younger? Your skin looks AMAZING! What did you do?"
• recapture their youthful spark and look 5, 10 or even 20 years younger
To me, these are the REAL benefits of all this. I’m guessing they’re probably the same for you too.
If you want to start get rid of all the signs of aging on your skin, enabling you to experience all the benefits listed above, then you need to get Chamuel Men's Skincare Products today.
They caused a huge turning point on my journey to a smooth, youthful, healthy and wrinkle-free skin…so make sure you don’t miss them.
Normally, these products cost several hundreds of dollars but I’m going to do 3 cool things for you:
First, because you’re on my VIP list, I’m going to allow you to get them at crazy discounted prices.
Secondly, I will provide a simple, easy to follow 3 step process to apply CM products for the absolute best results.

Lastly, I’m offering you a love-it-or cancel-your-membership guarantee: If you don’t see any visible improvement on your skin after using those products, simply report back and your money will be refunded. No questions asked
Does that sound more than fair?
Cool--then go get Chamuel Men's Skincare Products here
[link to your product page goes here]
To your youthful skin,
Sedrick Chamuel
P.S. So many people are asking me the kind of results they will see on their skin and body if the start using Chamuel Men's Skincare Products. So tomorrow, I’ll share with you the results people are getting with these anti-aging products and the kind of results you should expect to get with them.

Watch out for my email with the subject line Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch 6 of 7] Reviews & Success Stories tomorrow SUBJECT: Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch 6 of 7] Reviews & Success Stories

Hi [name],

I know you’re still skeptical about getting Chamuel Men's Skincare…so I thought by now you might want to hear more of what clients of mine are saying.

And it’s not only you…so many other people have asked “do these products really work?”

I understand them: it is normal to be skeptical. In fact, I was the biggest skeptic of all.

But look, it took effort in helping people like you look and fell younger (as well as hundreds of hours of intensive research a committed) to produce these effective anti-aging skin care products.

That’s why, instead of saying, “Trust me,” I’d rather want you see what people are saying about.

It’s good to hear real life success stories, isn’t it?

So first, here’s an update [name] from [location] sent to us recently.

[“insert glowing testimonial here”]
And here’s what [name] from [location] said:

[“insert another glowing testimonial here”]

But that’s not all though…

There are more great reviews and success stories from people using Chamuel Men's Skincare. If you haven’t read them yet, go check them out here

The bottom line is…people who just started using our products are already seeing the results on their body.

So what are you waiting for?

Click here to get grab these products at discounted prices now.

Like [name] and [name] whose reviews you read above, you won’t regret it!

Sedrick Chamuel

P.S. Did I tell you that today is the last day the special discount prices on all our products will be available to you?

Well, these discounts are too huge, which is why they can’t be available forever – today is the last day you can get them.

So click here now to claim your discount or miss out forever

Subject: Chamuel Men's Skincare [Ch. 7 of 7] - Last Call
Hi [name],
I’ve been talking about the skin care products that are helping me and countless other men look 15 years younger.
If you don’t have them, you may find it VERY difficult to get rid of the wrinkles and other signs of aging on your skin…
And frankly, I’m mystified because you haven’t taken advantage these products…even though I’m offering them to you at discount prices.
That’s why I decided to take a minute to write and remind you that these discounts will be withdrawn today.
Yes, if you read this email tomorrow, then I apologize, because it will be too late.
If you decide to get Chamuel Men's Skincare products then, you may have to pay the full prices.
You’re busy, I’m sure, so other stuffs probably came up first. But now’s the time to act –
– so you can quickly achieve your skin care results!
What I like most about Chamuel Men's Skincare products is that they are made from natural and organic ingredients.
So if you are finally ready say a final good bye to all your skin problems, delay aging while getting an amazing smooth and fresh skin, without any side effects…

..make sure you click the link below now to check out these products

[link goes here]

...and start your journey to a smother, healthier and youthful skin!
Sedrick Chamuel
P.S. I hate repetitions but I just want to stress that today is the last you can get Chamuel Men's Skincare products at the current discounted prices.
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