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This one is gonna be a little weird. Hey I just wanna let you know that I'm sorry for everything really you did not deserve none of this you are the nicest person out there! and that's no lie ask any one and they'll tell you it true! I really wished thing between us were completely different. I really want or wanted to talk to you but I just don't know anymore, I know I should be way way past this huh but i can't, you really affected me and i can only imagine how you were hurt from all this. Look I do wanna tell you this I'm happy for you truly I am. Seeing you smile makes me happy cause you are a happy girl and I'm glad you're okay now. I still got shit to figure out like what to do with my life cause to be honest I've been focusing on you like basically all year, I know i should've done this like ages ago right but I couldn't. Sometimes I do wake up and think damn how would it be if you were still here and i know for a fact! we would've been amazing cause we were serious about this and even though it went wrong and i fucked shit up. I just wanna tell you that I still love you kiddo and I'm sorry cause right now i don't know anything anymore, I don't know what to do I'm lost. I need your guidance, well not really but i wanna hear from you! I really don't Imma follow through this or not but maybe after high school we could try again like i know it a dumb idea it's stupid! And I basically do know the answer to this question already and it no but it never hurts to ask right? Plus this will be my last try for you I promise after this it time to close the chapter or arc or story i guess if you do even up saying no its goodbye cause i really don't wanna hold you back from doing anything or you holding me back from doing shit. You mean a lot to me kiddo. Well Imma go know to sleep cause it is late haha oh zulema i really fucked us up huh. I uhh see tomorrow maybe take care and hopefully you can or CAN'T read this cause that would be very weird and really fuck things up between us cause I'm more than happy where i'm at with you. i can talk to you and hangout with you and im sorry if sometimes im i dont know like sticking to you i feel like im annoying you or stopping you from talking cause i do see you trying to talk about something but i'll be there so you wouldn't really say or stop yourself. I'm glad you're okay if anything im sorry but it did make you a way better stronger person and i bless you!!!
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