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zef :
1. Sweet home alabama ( covernya kliatan jelek tp trust me itu bagus bgt! Termasuk top 3 jg hehe)*
2. shes the man ( channing tatum. Enough said)
3. definitly maybe*
4. Just go with it ( funny shit)
5. Leap year (lucu love hate gitu seneng :))
6. Whats your number
7. Life as we know it
8. Something borrowed
9. Ghosts of girlfriends past ( good for christmas bgt.. ini ga ada hantu2 serem gitu yah its good wkwk)*
10. Something borrowed
11. Confessions of a shopaholic
12. 500 days of summer ( klo lg ngantuk jgn nonton yg ini wkwkw tp bagus2)
13. The other women ( lucu girl power)
14. BRIDE WARS ( love it)*
15. Love and other drugs ( klo mau nangis.. ada bokepnya sdikit tp gpplahya rawr ;) ini DEEP bgt smp ke ujung hati kenanya)
gigits :
Movies to watch :
- crazy stupid love
- Love actually
- Breakfast at tiffany
- 50 first dates
- 13 going on 30
- My girl
-Made of honor

Shows to watch:
- Gossip girl
- 13 reasons why
- One tree hill


Anime :
- Shokugeki no Souma (Cooking ini sumpah bikin laper, ada ecchi-nya sedikit)
- Another (Thriller/Horror Kutukan pembunuhan perlanjut)
- Kyo (Ini jijik, monster2 gitu tapi jijik, kalo pernah baca komik2nya Junji Ito pasti tau sejijik apa)
- Corpse Party (Horror lumayan ok)
- What's Your Name ( anjir sedih banget ini pokoknya gabisa berenti nangis)
- One Punch Man (Tokoh utama overpowered, lumayan lucu)
- Yuru Yuri (iya yang ini GXG, slice of life, comedy, so-so lah)
- Sakura Trick (GXG juga yah.. bokep dikit..dikit)
- Swords Art Online ( Virtual Reality MMORPG based gitu lah)
- Hunter x Hunter (yang remake udah tamat, panjang sih 40ish eps tapi BAGUS ACTION jadoel)

Animation :
- Kiki's Delivery Service ( INI LUCU BANGET HEART WARMING, kartun jadul)
- Grave of the fireflies (worth a cry, cerita pas hiroshima nagasaki di bomb, cerita soal kakak beradik yang harus survive dr perang)
- Spirited Away (Moral storynya kenceng banget, bisa bikin mewek juga)
- TOTORO!!!!!! OMG INI HARUS NONTON GEMBUL2 GITU (cerita petualangan di dunia ghaib)
- Ratatoille (cooking bareng tikus, ucul banget)
- Wreck It Ralph (Ini cerita soal ralph tokoh utama di game ngerusakin bangunan, bagus deh moral storynya)
- Zootopia (kelinci yang mengejar mimpi eaaa)
- Coraline (agak horor ish, dark themed, moral storynya bagus, worth to watch)
- Finding Nemo - Dory
- Despicable Me (semua seri) (WHO DOESNT LOVE MINION !)
- Paddington (hehe lucu aja beruang bisa ngomong)
- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (uh lovey - dovey, inventor, fooooods)
- Corpse Bride (perjalanan ke dunia kematian, dihantuin dll)
- Up (iya pasti udah nonton cuma worth to re-watch)

Movie :
- Hangover I, II & III (cowo2 goblok yang mabok di hari sebelum nikah terus mereka sadar2 udah ada di negara lain dan bikin masalah)
- Facing The Giant (aku rekomen banget kamu nonton ini, parah bagus banget, hadapin ketakutan diri sendiri, kinda sport related film)
- Split (Thriller, kepribadian ganda, gore, basic bitches)
- Shutter (thai movie- hehe tau lah pasti serem, ghost of past gf, dikejar2 setan, jump scares)
- The Conjuring 1 & 2
- Arrival (Alien thingy, moral story, plot twists, six sense)
- Central Intelligence (LUCU !! Dwayne Johnsos dari anak yang dibully jadi agen intel, action comedy)
- SPY (wah gila ini parah lucu banget, detektif emak-emak yang kelakuannya goblok banget)
- Hello, My Name Is Dorris (ini lucu WKKWKW agak cringe, tapi lucu aja, ceritain nenek2 60 tahun jatuh cinta)
- The Intern (kakek2 kerja sambilan sumpah imut banget, bangkit live his life setelah ditinggal istri, such a gentleman, recommended parah)
- The Devil Wears Prada (cocok kayaknya agak matre-ish filmnya)
- Cabin In The Wood (plot twist parah kesel banget sama endingnya, horror)
- MAMA (Horror, jijik banyak kecoak filmnya, makan kecoak, anak kecil digondol setan)
- The Babadook (Horror ga gitu serem tapi story plot ok lah)
- The Last Exorcism (typical classic religious horror story, fake priest, blahblah, bagus sih apalagi pas adegan patahin jari)
- Chef (INI HEARTWARMING- kinda romantic slash dream slash slice of life, cerita soal chef yang mutusin buat bikin food truck mainly)
- Now You See Me 1 & 2 (well- magic, tricks, action, scams, i love it)
- Dirty Grandpa (eee... zac effron, okelah, kinda "dirty" kakek2 hidung belang that knows how to party)
- Mike and Dave need a Wedding Date (comedy, romantic, uh- ok? like 6/10, set in hawaii so ada drugs, drink, parties)
- The Kids Are All Right (GXG, cheating, kids trying to find out their "biological dad" yaudah)
- Pitch Perfect ( i love fat amy, she rocks my world with her sassiness)
- We're the miller (keluarga goblok mantan penjual narkoba HAHAHA. comedy action ish gitu)
- Ted (beruang bokep.)
- This Is The End (kiamat christian version..tapi.. goblok banget ceritanya, kamu bakal liat famous actors such as emma watson, rihanna main cuma sepersekian detik, cara matinya goblok2, terakhirnya disedot kaya alien WKWKWK SUMPAH INI LUCU TP GA GITU BAGUS TAPI LUCU)
- Kick Ass (Action Comedy, superhero)

P.s. I know that you're facing tons of problems, and i hope this little list could help you up. If you wanna cry, i put some tag on it just read every description i made. If you up for some romantic films i asked my friends for the recommendation listed above. If you feel like you want to watch anime, animation cheerful shits its all there.
I've watched all listed movies and you might watched some of them before, but i think most of the movies above are all worth to re-watch.

P.s.s. Burst out your emotion through the film, put every single emotion to the actors and what happen on the storyboard. Don't be scared to express yourself just because you're scared of reality, this is the time when you can feel all the shits but through someone else's problem.

P.s.s.s. I Love You.

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