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Dred Scott and the Rise of Lincoln

The violence continues...
-Caning of Charles Sumner (May 1856)
-Senator Charles Sumner gave an anti-slavery speech to the Senate and targets Senator Andrew P. Butler
-Butler's nephew (Congressman Preston Brooks) beats Sumner with his cane
-Sumner collapses and is unable to return to the Senate for four years

Dred Scott Decision (March 1857)
-Dred Scott V. Sandford
-Dred Scott was a Missouri slave
-Went with his master (a surgeon) to Illinois (free state)
-After the surgeon died, Scott sued his master's wife and said he was now free (because they lived in Illinois)
-Supreme Court says Scott cannot sue because he is not a citizen and had no rights
-This decision also said that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and further repealed it and said
Congress had no power to limit slavery

Election of 1860
-Election of 1860 was very complex
-Democratic Party-Torn between Southerners who wanted the party to strongly support slavery, and Westerners who wanted popular sovereignty
-Republican Party-Believed in keeping slavery in the South, but banning it in new territories
-Abraham Lincoln (Republican) beats Stephen Douglas (Democrat), and the South secedes from the Union
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