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What makes a good rapper?


1. Flow + Delivery + Tone / Voice Color (30 points)
- Flow is basically how your words "ride" the beats.
- Delivery is how you deliver those words :p when it comes to pronunciations, intonation, style, diction, volume, etc.
- Tones or Voice Color is how you sound while rapping. Some rappers have memorable tones while others don´t.

2. Writing + Lyricism + Subject Matter + Storytelling (25 points)
- Writing is the fact you write your raps.
- Lyricism is how the way you put your words or the way you phrase your thoughts hit the listener.
- Subject Matter is what you are talking about and how relevant, impactful or relatable that is.
- Storytelling is how you tell a story through your rap/song/album and how it creates a picture on the minds of those who are listening to it (but not all raps are meant to tell a story).

3. Production + Beats (20 points)
- Production is how good and smooth everything blends without feeling forced or off.
- Beats: how good are they?

4. Charisma + Personality (15 points)
- Charisma is how you can drive the audience attention and how well you can dominate the stage.
- Personality is basically how you behave, how "real" you are, and how it adds to your charisma on stage.

5. Technicality + Rhymes + Word Play + Obscure References (10 points)
- Technicality is how fancy and how unpredictable you do your rhymes and phrase your words and how they work flawlessly.
- Rhymes: how good and creative are they?
- Word play is the subtle but smart way you put your words and how they interact can create a non-literal meaning.
- Obscure references is how powerful are the non-literal meaning you can make with word play.

6. Freestyle (5 points)
- Freestyle is how good you do everything above but without previous preparation.
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Regards; Team

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