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i know i said i wouldnt pester so i am trying not to, but i just i dont know i wanted to ramble
i know whenever i do these i just say the same things over and over just in different ways, but thats because what i am saying is 110% the truth.
you, lily, are not boring to me and you never will be boring to me.
whether you believe me or not, you never will be. and although i can never /make/ you believe me, i can keep saying it until it at least sticks in your head.
you are so important and special and unique and interesting to me, more than anyone in my life really. you are just so funny and easy to talk to like i could talk to you about nothing in particular for hours, and that's what makes it so great. that's what makes you so interesting. i don't usually stick to talking to people for very long. like i will talk to them for a while but then we will grow apart. that hasn't happened with you and i dont think it ever will because you and your everything are so interesting and you're so nice and fun to talk to.
you have made my 2017 fun, you've made it funny, you've made it interesting and enjoyable. some of my, or more like most of my, best moments this year have been with you, because of you, or some way around you. 2016 was a crap year for me, but you've made 2017 all worth it. i'm so glad we started talking, i'm so glad i met you really, because you are my best friend and you are my angel, and you always will be.
you never ever be boring to me, and you never have been boring to me, no matter what your mind is trying to tell you.
and i know reading this you probably won't believe me, you probably think i'm just being biased or something of that sort.
but i am really not. even if we weren't as close as we are, i would still find you interesting and never ever boring. i /did/ before we started talking more. for about two years i thought you were so cool (and i still do) and i wanted to talk to you and be like you and everything. we started talking and i was so excited every day just to get to talk to you. you made me happy and you continue to make me so happy. you make it easy to be me, and that's the best thing i could ever ask for.
so no matter what your mind says, or your feelings say, or how insecure you get, you will never be boring to me. like even if we just sat there in silence, watching paint dry, i wouldn't be bored because you would be there with me. you make me smile and laugh and everything and i love you so incredibly much.
you're amazing to me, and you will never be boring to me.
i apologize for rambling (even if you say i dont need to apologize) because i know i do it a lot. i know i say the same stuff a lot, but its true. it's all so, so true. you're amazing and i love you, and i am so beyond in love with you.
you, lily, will never ever be boring to me.
i can promise you that with all of my everything, and i will always promise you that.
because it's true, okay?
i dont know when you'll read this, you might still be awake or you might read this in the morning
either way, i just wanted to ramble
i love you so much, don't ever doubt that, and don't ever forget that because i mean that with all of my everything and more.
i know i ramble, i know i talk a lot, i know im cheesy, i know im probably annoying sometimes, even if you don't say i am, i know i probably get on your nerves, i know i probably pester and bug you too much about if you're okay. but i do that because i really truly care about you, i wanna make sure you're okay and if you're not i want to try and help. even if i can't help, i want to try, and i want to be there for you, and i always /will/ be here for you no matter what it is. if you think it doesn't matter or if its stupid, i am always going to be here to at least just listen to you if i cant help.
i love you a wholeeee lot, lily.
i really do and i really always will.

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