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DAY 21
Yesterday I completed my "6th" 21. For this one I took the opportunity to practice gratitude for at least 5 minutes a day every day for 21 days...and there is no doubt in my mind that this is a habit I intend on practicing forever.
Here's Why:
Gratitude can and should be practiced at anytime of the day (we always have something to be grateful for...ALL the time).
However, I tried a few different approaches throughout the 21 days and the one I enjoyed the most was writing down 5 things that I am grateful for at the end of each day right before I go to sleep. I believe it is the perfect time to exercise this, because you have an entire day to look back on in order to pick out 5 things you are grateful for...that's it just 5! At this point you've taken the time to think of 5 things you're grateful for and wrote them down. This action instantly puts your head(mind) in a positive space, because after a few sessions of praciticing this you'll start to write things down like " I'm grateful for the ability to read this post". Sounds crazy but i'm telling you too often we take things for granted and fail to put things into perspective. Lastly, by doing this at the end of the day it transfers that positive mental state into your subconcious as you fall asleep priming your mind for a great start to your morning with a mind infused with positive vibes from the previous night triggering your awareness for the "little" things we often ignore.
This has been one of my favourite and most impactful 21s to date and I can't wait to see the effects after practicing it for a longer period of time. I highly recommend it for anyone trying to implement a new healthy habit. Get happy...Stay happy :) !!
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Start working towards developing new healthy habits, because you're all you got at the end of the day, so make sure you're the best version of you.

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Regards; Team

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