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After that proceed by introducing yourself first. Or if the presentation you do in groups, then it's good you introduce your group first. Here are some examples of the phrase:

Let me introduce myself. My name’s Anggra Prabowo. I am from Bandar Lampung…
First of all. I would like to introduce my group. We are from group 5. We would like to present…

Then follow the opening phrase that 'bind' the audience for your presentation gets full attention. There may be questions, data presentation on power point, quoting motivating quote, story method, or other ways.

example :
• Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. Good morning everybody. Thank you for coming to my presentation today. My name is Anggara Prabowo. As you know I am the marketing manager of Media Nusantara Group, which is based in Bandar Lampung…

• Good morning. I would like to introduce my group. We are from group 5. We would like to do a presentation about Technology. Before we get down to the serious business of this presentation, I’d like to ask you a simple question…

2. Convey your Message

At this stage, you should be able to maximize your time as efficiently as possible. You should be able to convey all the points of your presentation by taking into account time, the ability of the audience to absorb information, and other important factors.

Remember; Do it briefly, clearly, and solid. You do not need to discuss all the points at length, or even no relationship with your material, this can already be made to make the audience feel bored and saturated.


I would like to talk about how to create a simple website. Website is used to share information by using Internet. It can be created by using wordpress platform. The first step how to create a simple website is about hosting and domain. After that, we can choose a theme or template with responsive layout. You can see at my slide here, and you will know how to do it…

3. (Great -Closing)
How to close an English presentation is also very influential and plays an important role in the success of the presentation itself. With a cool cover, of course the audience will always remember and will not forget it.

However, before you actually close the presentation, then give a little chance to the audience to ask. Or in other words give a brief Question and answer session. Here's an expression you can use:

Any question?
Anybody would like to ask?
Now try to answer any questions you may have.
Can I answer any questions?
Are there any questions?
Do you have any questions?
Are there any final questions?

Well, after a little question-and-answer session, then you can make a conclusion from the presentation with a closing sentence plus along with a thank you for the audience who have been willing to listen to your presentation.

Here's a phrase to give a conclusion:

In conclusion…. Thank you for your attention. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
In summary…. Thank you very much for your great attention, ladies and gentlemen.
In conclusion…. Many thanks for your attention.
In summary…. May I thank you all for being such an attentive audience.

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Regards; Team

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