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As Johnson isn't going to talk to me I would like you to inform him that the video Metodubs recorded and gave to me has all I need to make him look like shit and has proof of what I knew he was doing to, however, I am not going to go through the hassle of uploading and editing the video to cause more beef as I personally don't have any, this leaching thing isn't me yet Johnson is making it out like I am the bad person? I have done NOTHING wrong, I am not holding them at their will and telling them to join (I don't even recruit people), I didn't know who he (he - DreamWorks and Dun) were brining in and now I have caught the jist of it I have stopped it, however I want you to let Johnson know that I am NOT 'malicious' or trying to leach anyone and I DO NOT approve or think it's right that he's going round telling people to cut all ties with me and the community, I mean sure I get it but not to the extent where you're asking people to BLOCK ME for no reason, I haven't done shit. So before this gets out of hand this is how we can stop it, 1. You stop going around and telling people to block me etc (tell them they can only be staff on one etc but not to that stupid extent), 2. Stop making out that I am the bad guy, and I can assure you I am NOT following in that Toxic Kairos Gaming's steps... I want both communities to be passive and civil, not you going around and saying CUT ALL TIES WITH AEROMATIX AND HIS COMMUNITY, the players at the end of the day can play on what they want when they want, you don't own them however you have the right to tell them they can't staff here etc, so you make things right and make it so there is NO negativity then everyone can move on, I HAVE put a stop to Dreamworks recruiting active staff on Ice Fuse so there's no longer an issue here, so please don't try and make one.
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