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"Do I know you?" I asked staring into his face. "I feel like I've met you before." I say pointing at his face. How rude of me for pointing. "You don't know me?" It was more of a question than a statement. I'm pretty sure we never met.

"Come inside." I smiled stepping to the side widening the door so he could come inside. "Thank you." The man lowered his head, walking inside as if he knew the place. "So how long has it been?" He clapped his hands together turning towards me.

"I'm not sure." I mumble. "I've found you." He turned to look at me, with a sinister look in his eyes. "Wh..who are you?" I gulped. I felt like my soul was being read, his eyes were so intense, so scary, so intimidating.

"I'm Jiru, the one and only Jiru ever."

I remember this name.

"Jiru." I repeat after him, his name didn't suit him at all. "I'm Maria," I let out my hand so he could shake it. "I mean Resa." I shake my head side to side remembering my name. I'm not Maria anymore. I'm Resa.

"I know who you are."

"You must be their uncle." I nodded my head so sure he was. His eyes became cold and lifeless as he stared at me. "You really don't know who I am, do you?"

"I'm sorry but I don't." I apologised. "I guess I have tell you." He stepped closer looking at my expression to only see me calm. "Let's have a seat." He suggested.

He walked into the living room without hesitating. He defiantly knows this place. "Take a seat." He points to one seat in particular, it was the arm chair.

I took my seat waiting for what he was about to say. "So.. where do I start?" He asked sighing heavily. "I don't even know where to start." He took a seat.

"I lost my memory almost 4 months ago." I guide him to a starting point. "So around the time I asked your father for you. Well now I'll tell you who I am."

"Who's at the door?" Lazarus' voice echos all the way from the hallway. I turned around answering Lazarus. I couldn't see him yet. "Jiru is." I answer then look back towards Jiru. A body was in front of me blocking my view. It was Lazarus.

Suddenly we were in a different place, the roof.

The cold wind hit my body forming goosebumps to form all over my arms and legs.

"L..Lazarus?" I stuttered staring down at the ground, it was so dark like a pit. It was too dark to see. "Shh." He covered my mouth then closed his own.

What's going on?

The moment I looked at Lazarus' face his eyes sulked into his skin in fear, and stress. He looked scared.

What's going on. Should I also be scared?

"Lazarus." I spoke over his hand. "What's wro-." I tried to speak again but Lazarus coved my mouth fully making it hard to breath.

"He's back." Was the only thing which came out of him.

Is Lazarus talking about Jiru? He must be talking about him since no one else is here. Lazarus got up taking me up with him, his hand still covering my mouth. I felt my body fall to the downwards into the pitch black. I closed my eyes in fear of crashing down onto the ground and.. die.

But that didn't happen. Instead I saw a car with everyone inside. I haven't seen a car in a long while. We got inside faster then I could count then we were off.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at all their faces. They just spoke over each other which is very unlike them.

"How did he find us?" Galahad looked back at the mansion.

"All we need to do is get far away from here." Lazarus told us all telling the driver to drive faster.

"I'm not sure if the spare area is alright for us to go." Tay also spoke.

"We need to do it again, that's the only way it will be alright." Lazarus looked towards me.

"You mean the memory wipe idea..?" Sin questioned.

"No. We have to push her off the cliff." Lazarus replied. "You ain't going to do that, it's too brutal."

"Done it first time round she lived and it helped us all."

"This time is different now. You won't push her." Sin growled angrily and protectively.

Who are they going to push off the cliff.

"How else are we going to get the strong sent off her. He knows which area she's in and it will be easier for him to find us now."

Is Jiru their enemy? Why are they scared of him.

Well he has made me uncomfortable, the way he stared at me and talked to me. But his eyes.. just so familiar.

"Guys, we can at least try it." Tay says and the rest nod. "If we don't do it we can't get her to the bottom of the ocean, and if we can't get her to the bottom of the ocean we are in danger with her."

"He's right, we have to do it," Caesar looks at Sin then at me. "It's the only way."

"Why are you so scared of Jiru?" I asked and they all shot their glares at me. "You'd be more scared if you find out." Caesar spoke.

Why would I fear more than them?

"We won't tell her." Lazarus spat out.

"She's going to have to know." Galahad stated. "She should know."

"We won't tell her! That was the decision." Lazarus shouted.

Everyone became silence.
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