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<wtfigo> why dont plants ever get fat?
<methlsdope> Sykonaut|Phenibut theres a reason its not the regular dose anymore tho, we learned that its pretty bad for you regardless
<Druggitor95> methlsdope ah okay ):
<CorbinDallas2> wtfigo, plants get fat too
<CorbinDallas2> have you ever seen a pumpkin growing contest
<Druggitor95> Sykonaut|Phenibut The problem is I took 1300 today
<Sykonaut|Phenibut> err, I just looked it up and 1g is still regular dose for extra strength
<wtfigo> plants dont get fat because they are light eaters
<Sykonaut|Phenibut> but they dropped down the daily limit from 4g to 3g
<Sykonaut|Phenibut> wtfigo: actually plants can produce lipids
<methisdope> ~
<wtfigo> yeah but they are light eaters
* methisdope is now known as washedupWrapper
<creatonez> plants don't get fat?
<creatonez> have you ever seen a tree, sir?
<wtfigo> no they eat light
<methlsdope> Sykonaut|Phenibut ah really? I honestly just avoid tylenol and ibup all the time now, but I'm also usually overly concerned with my health which seems fairly rare in here ahah
<Sykonaut|Phenibut> some plants actually generate pretty substantial amounts of waxes/oils (collectively known as lipids, which includes fats)
* TheRedStaple is now known as methisdope
* wtfigo runs after the joke
<wtfigo> smh
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