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8,000 clay people were dared. the first emperor had 7 people with him at all times.after the statues were made they were dared so that now human can find them or look at them when first emperor died he dared 7,000 live people that he had killed to died with him they were all numbered they had there own number.they found some bones that were in the cachet with first emperor.Some people thought that if they did not have the first emperor they could not live some people killed they self or was killed.Then there was this poison if you drink it you would die from there king.There was a war and lots of people died the population of people was gone they were in the war 280 years.there is no statue is alike first there were small statues then he made them make them human size.There was a special kind of clay and it had to be hard and sticky it also had to stay together and not be able to brake. To make the statues fast you need a mold but if you don't mold them it will take for ever but back then they were made by hand they mashed the clam then they out it in strips,then they put them together it will take a mouth to make one now will out mold.But you have to wate some before you can put all of it on be case if you put to much on it will fall.there were 87 people making the statues they could make 12 in one year it toke 8 year to make 8,000 statues.when they fond them they had color on the statues know they are trying to save the colors on the statues.
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