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Each warrior was sculpted by hand, more than 2000 years ago the tomb was built, the warriors guard the First Emperor, Farmers digging a well found the tomb, 8000 clay warriors, infantry, archers, chiefs, Each soldier stands 6 feet tall and over 600 pounds, all of the people buried with emperors either wanted to die or chose to die, some committed suicide others were murdered, arsenic is a poison the people who where buried drank, most of the court officials did not want to die but they did not have a choice even if they did not want to die, the First Emperor was the one who stopped the 250 year long war,none of the warriors where the same everything about the warriors are different not one of the warriors are the same, Some chins are the same some eyes but no face is the same, two men make terra cotta warriors for a living, they are sent all around the world like the U.S.A, Germany, U.K., and many other, they started with 40 centimeter, 50 centimeters, and so on until they got to life size, they use red clay to make the terra cotta warriors, the First Emperor died in 210 B.C., if they cook a whole statue together it will either collapse under its own weight or crack completely, the original terra cotta warriors where not made out of molds like modern ones today, extreme heat and extreme cold will destroy a terra cotta warrior if it is not properly kept in the right temperature, they sculpted the 8000 warriors in no longer than a decade not two the same, each warrior was carried in lacker from head to toe, lacker is a very valuable substance, it will keep anything from decaying, it would take 200,000 lacker trees to cover the whole army, lacker is related to poison ivy and poison oak,
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