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Dear God,

Thank you for choosing me before the world began. I am grateful. Thank you for forming me.
Thank you that you had me in mind before you created the world.
Thank you that you loved me, then.
Thank you God for preparing Jesus for me. He is perfect. I am grateful. thank for my best friend Jesus the Christ.
Thank you God for making me.
I love you.

I love you.


Praise God In Spirit and In Truth.
Galatians, 1 Corinthians, Romans 8, Hebrews, Ephesians

John 1:1
in the beginning was The Word (the word, referring to Christ Jesus the spoken word, God)
and The Word (referring to God, Christ Jesus, the living words of God the spoken words, the prophecies, thhe promises, the spirit of the lord)

Walk in The Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Walk in the Spirit of Freedom
Walk in Love.
Pray in the Holy Spirit, always.
Trust that God always hears you. Trust that God speaks in the Holy Spirit. God knows his children.

I am HOly and Blameless as i stand before the lord my God without a single fault.

Holy Bible KJV



Holy Bible NLT
Old Testament
In the beginning was the lord God.
The Lord God spoke, and the light was formed.
The Lord God spoke, and the earth was formed.
The Lord God spoke, and the waters were formed, the waters above the earth, and the waters along the form of the earth.
The Lord God called the waters above the earth the "sky"
The Lord God called the waters on the form of the earth the "ocean" and "sea"

New Testament
The Geneology of Jesus the Christ is as follows
begat Issac
and issac begat jacob
and javob begot jehosaphat
and jehosaphat begat aminnidab and amminadabe begat eluiphat

and mary was the mother of Jesus

Romans 8
(Romans 8:1 There is therefore no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus)
Those who walk in the hOly spirit think about things that please the holy spirit romans 8:5
Stand Fast therefore in the liberty in which Christ Jesus has made you free. romans 8:1
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Regards; Team

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