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Once upon a time, in a place famous for it's sour charcoal, lives a normal college boy. He had a "special someone" that lives in the place famous for it's bad edge. This boy really like this girl, but a sudden event turns everything. The boy broke her heart, and even tho she is willing to forgive him, apparently he can't forgive himself for what he has done to the girl. Long story short, the communication between the two ended completely. When that happened, the boy accidentaly met another girl, and made her fall in love with him. He pretends like everything is fine, even tho he's just trying to find someone to replace "her". But it doesn't work. He still can't forgive himself. He wants to send a letter to her, but he is afraid that she might get mad because he neglect her so sudden.

One day, in an event that the kingdom held, the two met each other. He was shocked by her reaction. She didn't get mad, instead she said it herself that she is overjoyed to meet this boy. So, the two reconciliate. Yet deep within the boy's heart, he's still strugling to forgive himself and try to accept her, but he really is cannot. But, as time went on, he's finally able to move on and create new moments with her. They started to work together as a team, performing at the kingdom, considering that these two were a musician. The two starts sending letters and meet every so often. And they were back, well at least that's what they were expecting.

It's summer, and the kingdom held a contest. The boy works both behind the scene and on the field. He did everything that he could so that the event goes as planned. When the event ended succesfully, he got a very unexpected job that made him a bit not in mood for anything, yet he's still working on it. While doing so, he received a letter from the girl, asking him to come meet her at a local place. She says that it is an urgent thing. He feels like denying the offer, considering that he is not in condition to do anything else other than his job. But he decided to meet her anyway. On the way to the meeting spot, he was murmuring about all things, starting from blaming his job to grumbling about how tired he is. But, something rather emotional happened on the meeting spot.

The girl bought him a Birthday Cake, and much to his surprise, the cake was exactly "that cake" that he wanted for years. Apparently the only time he had that cake is when he gets it from his friend's birthday cake. He can't express it correctly in front of her, because he was thinking to throw a fake smile in front of her, but it turns out to be a genuine smile moment but he couldn't express it correctly. They took some picture with the most sophisticated picture-taking-device that has ever exist on that time.
She is in a hurry, so she gets on her carrier quickly and dissapear.

On his way home, the boy cried. He feels unworthy of those things. "What have I done to receive these things." he said while sobbing. The boy never did anything to the girl that goes as far as what the girl had gave the boy. The boy once broke her heart, yet he receive the best birthday cake he has ever had. Then, he wrote a letter, telling her that he is sorry. If he hadn't been there, it would cost her a birthday cake plus a broken heart. He tells everything that he had done before the event took place. He says that she really knows how to turn a bad day into the most amazing day of his life. He's saying sorry to both the girl and to the creator of the Universe, that he had mutter before he met the girl. But once again, to the girl and the Creator of Celestial Entities, he is grateful that 'they' had gave him the best person in his life.

"Dear you,
honestly idk what were you thinking. straight forward, honestly kalo bisa express it all, gw kaga bisa terima ini. It's unnecessary. I'm not worthy of all these things. I've nver did such thing yang membahagiakan kamu, like what you've done to me this past evening. W merasa kaga layak. Hari ini w capek, bener-bener capek, and you summon me to PG without telling me anythin bout it. Di perjalanan, w ngomel, honestly. Somethin happened sebelum w balik rumah, and things just got worst when you summon me. Why? Because deep down w pingin pingin pingin banget ketemu lo, cuman kondisi yang kaga memungkinkan ini pushes me into thinking not to meet you. I almost cost you a birthday cake and a broken heart. Gw merasa beruntung bahwa w take action kesana. W think and hoping bisa fake smile, tpi u turn my fake smile into a real smile, and w kaga bisa express it correctly. Perjalanan pulang, w nangis (kaga berlebihan ini ._.). W kaga tahu apa yang w lakuin sehingga layak nerima ini. You should know how painful I am when holding my tears while eating each bite of the cake I've always wanted. Yep, tiramisu. Idk how you know my taste, but you're amazing. I want you to know! You've succesfully turned my "kinda unsatisfying day" into one of the best day I've ever had. Really, kaga harus sejauh itu, but I am really happy


kaga usah panjang lebar, makasih udah mao nyimak story gaje ini. Walao ini kaga cukup mengungkapin rasa bahagia w (dan w mao coba bikin video sbnrnya tpi fail mulu dan not in condition for that, so yeah, sorry), I hope you understand my feeling. Thank you, thank you, thank youuuuu! <3

With love,

Your beloved 'Jeffy'

P.S. : One day, imma get you back! wait for it!"

Until now, he's really hoping that he didn't get her mad after she read his letter, yet his feelings grow deeper for her. And they lived happily after.

Salah grammar? Bomattt
Thanks :3
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