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I am thoroughly disappointed. The recent treatment of certain Europeian citizens has been deplorable, to say the least. It's saddening to watch Europeians shut out certain citizens, refusing to offer any help or to be caring and try and assist their fellow Europeian.

The Europeia I know is one of inclusiveness. Instead, I come on the forums and see that a citizen has run away from Europeia. The only response is one of laughter. Not one of reconciliation. Not an offer of help. *Laughter.*

I don't know what's more horrifying: the above fact, or that the citizen I am referring to was young, and Europeia failed to attempt to help this person in their young age. When I see citizens making comments that they can't look at a thread without laughing and not ones of help, I am horrified by the behavior. Europeia should be equipping these individuals *especially*, given their young age. Being a younger individual on the forums, the recent behavior I saw shocked me. When I read the thread myself, I was expecting to see a Europeia reaching out and helping. What I saw was quite the opposite. It was instead the bashing of a citizen.

It's not guaranteed anyone will listen to this. People might read this and blow it off. I don't care what your opinion on the situation is, but this bashing of particular citizens, especially ones at a young age, needs to stop. Now.
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