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Dan x Kelly
Every day at school Dan would harass kelly, Kelly was a baby to Dan he'd always call her a nerd. kelly would blush and run away.. kelly had a thing for him, he was always a cool, funny and handsome guy. However, Dan Fucked a girl every night and he kept it a secret, not even his bros knew. (Dan's perspective) Its English class and the teacher tells us to get into partners 1 boy 1 girl only 2 people, I wonder who I'm gonna get partnered with I say usually I'd choose my broski gone over there but he's already got his partner. the teacher tells anyone to stand up and go to her if they don't
have a partner. I walk to the teacher and kelly bumps into me. I look at her and she looks back at me and says "I-I-I'm sorry Dan" blushing Dan knows kelly is a shy girl and is very fragile. kelly looks up to Dan and says "would you like to be my partner" Dan blushes while saying sure! The assignment was to play scrabble. Basically a game where you make letters on a board, but the plot is you must write any word you'd think you'd see on the board.(Kellys perspective from here on out) I was playing with dan and realized this is my chance to strike him, to steal him, to take him.. to make him mines. I've never had a boyfriends you see i focusing on my grades so no one could deny me for any job interviews or anything i want to do in life. I want to be perfect. The teacher Calls the class to giver her your attention for a few secounds. Everyone We wil begin writing the words down 10 words only and your partner can't look at the words. BEGIN the teacher says after we finish writing the words down. Dans says "ladies first and winks at me" my heart is beating fast. We start playing and dan make the word Crap.. i laugh at dan. dan thats not a real word! I say while laughing. Just go with it kelly dan says. I make the word "Like" and Dans make the word "you" I blush wondering why is he making that word perhaps he likes me? I set down a 10 letter word communique Dan asks what it "communique means" kellys replies with " I offically ask of you to give me your number" Dan says "Lets finish the game first" Kelly nods her head up and down. Dan puts downs his phone number on a piece of paper and hands it to me. i hug dan while everyone watches. The teacher tells everyone to finish up the game. I clean up and give the teacher the scrables. The bell rings and i quickly pack up and run to the car exhausted of the heat. My skirt is a little to short and i try not to wear the skirt although its dress code and its comfy i wear it. I call dan and ask him hows a movie tonight? 8 pm at your house? dan says sure. Pick me up. I give dan my adress, and a few hours later the doorbell rings. Its dan. I hug him in my white croped top and white short skirt. dan was wearing a black ripped jeans with a white poloshirt and red & black checkered flannel hoodie. me and dan talk about stuff on the way to his house. its Dark and dan decides to grab my hand and holds it. he asks if im cold i wrap my hands around his neck and whisper in his ear im warm when im with you. dan
holds me tight against him. he says ok "mama cita lets get to my house and watch the movie, that's where the fun begins" he say whispering into my ears. we get to his house. and surprisingly he lives in a mansion i as mind boggled. Dan HOW do you have a mansion1?! wait are you rich? i say. Dan replies with no its a family thing past on for generations its passed down. I get inside dans house to see no one inside just me and him. Dan claps his hand and the Chandalier lights turn on Everything is Polished, cleaned, perfect. this was a dream i thought but its reality. Dan ask me if i'd like a beverage i ask for "KOOL-AID nah actually water YEET gimmie YO DICK BITCH ima suck you dry" Dan says wait yo ass down bitch before i eat yo pussy right now nerd. I blush. dan hands over a glass of MILK to me i Slurp it down or guple it down Easy in a sexual manner while dan looks at me. After i finished drinking the MILK dan brings me to his room. Huge he has a Princess Bed the curtains and eerything game of throne
looking ass room bed and everything. We watch the horror movie chuckie. i get scared and i scream. I hold dan and get ontop of him. My body is shaking dan sudenly turns off the movie. Kelly dan says in a hot voice. I've been thinking do you wanna date? Dans says it while scratching his head. I Cry and look at him and Say yes. It was like i was getting married my perfect king, im his queen my dream its come true. I kiss dan and hold him down i french kiss him really good. my Pussy is we and dripping Dan is rock hard. this is my first time but it will be him who takes me. I undress dan and Start licking his neck all the way to his dick. Dan says 6-9 position right now. i ask what the FUCK is that in my head. he pull off my clothe and start licking my nipples while fingering me I moand real loud "Moan now the person reading this" i start getting Wetter and wetter Dan is a expert at this!?. Dan goes down on his knees and Sucks and lick and eats me out. I moan louder "Moan loud now the person reading this" Dan!!! Yes!! Better hard faster I put my hands on his head while i feel the pleasure surge through my body. get so sexual i start thinking about him and how i want his Large cock in my mouth i start drolling for his cock. I pull dan up and put him on the bed this time and Start sucking him real good. I play with him by licking it and then sucking i deepthroat him nicely and he get hard and start secreting White stuff. Dan moans "male moan" Fuck yeah kelly make me cum make me cum make me cum!!! Dan says I Say DAN LET IT OUT YES!!! I wantanted to drink more then just milk i wanted to swallow you AND YOUR KIDS. FUCK YEAH KELLY SWALLOW THOOSE KIDS dan says IM CUMMING Dan Releases the spermies inside my mouth And i take it all in. so much sperm i open my mouth and it starts dripping. i feel loved more then my family. Dans cock is still Stiff and hard. dan makes me swallow his children. i can't think of anything but his cock. Dan is lying down and i go in on him. I get ontop and Take his cock inside my
pussy. I scream loud because he broke my hymen (moan scream?). HE thrust DEEP inside me. it hurts and i'll take the pain untill he happy, anything for you dan i says. Dan squeezes my tits while I ride him like a horse. it starts to feel good i say to myself Fuck im a lucky girl. Dan Fucks me fucks me i moan load Dan Squeezes my tits hard and i moan again Fuck Dan!!. u like it eh whos my bitch dan says. I AM I SAY ME KELLY IM UR BITCH, DADDY. Dan fucks me like a dog would fuck a dog. i start Feeling dizzy my head was spining my body was shaking it was like i was gonna explode. It felt so good the pleasure i fucking WAS CLIMAXING I FUCKING ORGASM. "I MOAN FUCKING LOUDS ASF" Dans cotinue FUCKING THE SHIT OUTTA ME DADDY DAN PLEASE HARDER I SCREAM I WANT IT BADLY. LET IT OUT I CAN FEEL IT. Dan spanks my ass. and i moan. Danny owwwie i says dan says dont worry you'll like it sooner or later babes. we cotinue fucking and Dan Is telling me im gonna NUT!. Dan NuT INSIDE ME CREAMPIE ME MAKE ME UR FOOD
PLEASE, i begged for him to do it. dan lets it all out in me. I feel it the Warmness he released in me. it was heaven.
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