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I'm sorry but, I just don't like the situation that (as I apologize but I must stress this, so forgive me for being blunt.) your Jane Doe of a mother is putting you in.

She doesn't seem to realize that growing up, is not about being more mature but also having a passion, and there's nothing wrong with having more than one passion. She also doesn't seem to realize that your carefree and laid back nature is what you are, and saying that doing art and playing games makes you a man child, that's just ageist. There are a lot of famous flamboyant YouTubers and dA artists that have your interests, and they're pretty successful IRL as well, some of them are even married or have kids. And they didn't have to give up what they love to get that far. And that is pretty much enough, your mom should just set your bars low because if they are high?……Well……then they can just break in front of her face.

You Are an adult, and as an adult you should let her know that you are following your own path, you should be free to and not being a humanoid ball of play dough that is molded by someone else.

And judging by your description of your mother, she's being more of a stressful and pushy contemptible obstacle, than a supportive and open-minded parent that you deserve. I

I support what you do, and I think your art is not just a form of stress relief, but may even possibly have an involvement with your future. Not the future your mom throws you in.

Because, if I may quote a slightly altered and slightly ironic title of Mother Gothel's song from Tangled.
Mother. Does. Not. Know. Best.
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