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Notes -

+ save - Save current configuration
+ wipe - Wipe configuration file

+ binds - lists all current binds
+ bind <key:command> - Bind a command to a key
+ unbind <key> - Unbind a command from a key
+ unbindall - Unbinds all commands from their keys

+ move <up/down/left/right> <distance> - Move you the specified distance in a direction
+ warps - Lists the current warp points for this map
+ warp <name> - Warp you to the specified warp point
+ setwarp <name> - Sets your current location as the named warp point
+ delwarp <name> - Deletes the specified warp point
+ wipewarps - Wipes all the warps for this map
+ spawn - Teleports you to the map's spawn location
+ home - Teleports you to your home location
+ sethome - Sets your current home location
+ tp <name> - Teleport you to the specified player
+ tpcoords <x> <y> - Teleport you to the specified coordinates
+ tpback - Teleport you where you were before your last Teleport command
+ noclip - Toggles no-clipping mode, move freely wherever you want

+ tooltips - Toggles tooltip display of current Mods Active/World Editing values when holding Alt
+ gps - Toggles the GPS Display

+ heal [amount] - Heal yourself for the specified amount
+ mana [amount] - Recover the specified amount of Mana
+ setstats <health> <mana> - Sets your max Health/Mana amounts
+ god - Toggles God Mode
+ infmana - Toggles Infinite Mana
+ infbreath - Toggles Infinite Breath
+ infammo - Toggles Infinite Ammo
+ Speed <multiplier> - Multiply your movement speed by the specified amount
+ defense <amount> - Adds the specified amount to your Defense
+ item <name/ID> [amount] - Gives you the specified item
+ give <name> <amount> <player/*> - Gives the specified player an item, if * is used, gives everyone the item
+ buff <name/ID> [seconds] - Gives you the specified buff
+ prefix <name> - Sets the prefix of your current item to the one specified
+ range <radius> - Sets the radius at which you can use tools and place blocks
+ pickup <radius> [range] - Sets the radius at which you absorb items
+ pickaxe <strength> - Sets item's pickaxe power
+ axe <strength> - Sets item's axe power
+ hammer <strength> - Sets item's hammer power
+ usespeed <speed> - Sets item's use speed
+ damage <amount - Sets the item's damage
+ reuse - Toggles auto-reuse of the current item
+ homing - Toggles homing bullets on and off
+ shoot <ID> - Sets the projectile type shot by the currently selected item"
+ dropitem <ID> [stack] - Drop the specified item with the cursor
+ projectile <ID> [speed] [damage] - Shoot the specified projectile with the cursor
+ spawnmob <name> [amount] - Spawns the specified monster(s) around you (Client-Side Only!)
+ killmobs - Kills all hostile NPCs on the map
+ killnpcs - Kills all friendly NPCs on the map
+ fullbright - Toggles Full Brightness
+ fbcolor <red> <green> <blue> - Sets the Full Brightness Color
+ flashlight [radius] - Creates a light at your cursor
+ flcolor <red> <green> <blue> - Sets the Flashlight Color
+ maxstack - Sets your currently selected item to it's max stack amount
+ fullstacks - Sets all items in your inventory to their max stack amount
+ nodebuff [ID] - All negative debuffs will be instantly removed, optionally specify an ID to specifically blacklist that buff
+ showrecipes - Shows all recipes without needing any ingredients
+ nocraftreqs - Toggles whether you need to be near the proper tiles to craft recipes or not
+ allmap - Reveals the entire map
+ nospawns - Toggles mob spawning off and on
+ maxpets <amount> - Sets the max amount of pets that can be active

+ infflight - Toggles infinite usage of items which let you fly/hover
+ featherfall - Toggles Feather Fall Buff
+ waterwalk - Toggles Water Walking Buff
+ gravcontrol - Toggles Gravity Control Buff
+ noknockback - Toggles the No Knockback Buff
+ thorns - Toggles the Thorns Buff
+ invis - Toggles Invisibility Buff
+ shine - Toggles Shine Buff
+ spelunker - Toggles the Spelunker Buff
+ hunter - Toggles Hunter Buff
+ nofall - Toggles No Fall Damage
+ nightvision = Toggles Night Vision Buff
+ obsidianskin - Toggles Obsidian Skin Buff
+ gills - Toggles Gills buff
+ flipper - Toggles Flipper accessory effect

+ healall - Heals all players in the game
+ manaall - Manas (what?) all players in the game
+ follow <player> - Follow the specified player
+ watch <player> - Follow the specified player with your camera
+ steal <player> - Steal a player's inventory (use restore to get yours back)
+ tracking - Toggles tracking of all players on and off
+ radar [x] [y] [scale] - Toggles the player radar
+ send <type> <client> <ignoreclient> <string> <num1> <num2> <num3> <num4> <num5> - Send a packet

+ time <day/night/noon/midnight/freeze> - Sets the current time (Client-Side Only!)
+ rain [time] - Toggles raining/snowing on and off
+ moonphase <phase> - Sets the current moon phase
+ bloodmoon - Toggles blood moon on and off
+ pumpkinmoon - Toggles pumpkin moon on and off
+ eclipse - Toggles eclipse on and off
+ dropmeteor - Drops a meteorite
+ invasion <goblin/snowman/pirate> - Starts the specified invasion type
+ hardmode - Toggles hard mode on and off
+ createore - Creates hard mode ores
+ genworld [seed] [small/medium/large] [corruption/crimson] [copper/tin|iron/lead|silver|tungsten|gold/platinum|cobalt/palladium|mythril/orichalcum|adamantite/titanium] - Regenerates the current world with the specified seed
+ genobject <lifecrystals|pots|chests|traps|orbs|altars|trees/catalysts> [amount] [tries] - Regenrates part of or all of the world
+ genore <copper|tin|iron|lead|silver|tungsten|gold|platinum|sapphire|ruby|emerald|topaz|amethyst|diamond|demonite|crimtane|meteorite|hellstone|cobalt|palladium|mythril|orichalcum|adamantite|titanium|chlorophyte/all> [amount] [cursor|override] - Generates the specified ores, optionally around the cursor, all to generate random type of ore
+ genstructure <dungeon/minehouse/hellhouse/skyisland/temple/pyramid/hive/livingtree> - Generate a structure where the cursor is pointing
+ xmas - Toggles Christmas event on and off
+ halloween - Toggles Halloween event on and off

World Editing
+ edit - Toggles World Editing mode, left-click to place, right-click to remove
+ editmode <block/wall/liquid/wire/paint/biome> - Select world editing type
+ brushstyle <rectangle> - Change the brush style
+ brushtype <normal/outline/room/replace> - Changes the brush type
+ brushid <id> [extra] - Change the Brush ID, extra is used for items which share IDs
+ brushsize <width> <height> - Change the Brush Size

+ help [search] - Prints out help for all of the current commands
+ say <message> - Send the specified chat message
+ wiki [page] - Opens the wiki in your web browser, specify a page to go directly to that page
+ ids - Opens your browser to the ID page at the wiki, containing IDs for every aspect of the game
+ lookup <item/buff/prefix/npc/projectile> <string> - Search the specified list for a matching string
+ find <ID> [clear/replace] [replace ID] - Finds and returns the coordinates of every instance of the specified tile, and optionally clears or replaces them
+ run <code> - Runs the specified line of code
+ load <file> - Loads and runs the specified script file
+ customize <gender/difficulty/hairstyle/haircolor/eyecolor/shirtcolor/undercolor/pantscolor/shoecolor> <male/female/hairid/red> <green> <blue> - Customize your character
+ sfxvolume <value> - Sets the volume of the Sound FX
+ musicvolume <value> - Sets the volume of the Music
+ cursor <r> <g> <b> - Change the cursor color
+ coords - Prints your coordinates and the coordinates of where the mouse is highlighting
+ backup - Backup your current inventory
+ restore - Restore your inventory
+ clear - Clears your inventory
+ saveinv <filename> - Saves your current inventory to the specified file
+ loadinv <filename> - Loads the specified file's inventory
+ clearchat - Clears the chat history
+ chest <ID> - Opens the chest with the specified ID
+ storage [save/load/name/page/swap/prune/delete/clear/search/autosave] - Access global storage GUI
+ thread <list/suspend/resume/kill> - Manage thread pool
+ killme [message] - Commit suicide
+ rpg [gui/hotbar/reset/respec] - Manage RPG system
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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