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1. The Hubble sequence is a morphological classification scheme for galaxies invented by Edwin Hubble in 1926. It is often known colloquially as the “Hubble tuning-fork” because of the shape in which it is traditionally represented. Hubble’s scheme divides galaxies into three broad classes based on their visual appearance (originally on photographic plates) :

- Elliptical galaxies have smooth, featureless light distributions and appear as ellipses in images. They are denoted by the letter "E", followed by an integer n representing their degree of ellipticity on the sky.
- Spiral galaxies consist of a flattened disk, with stars forming a (usually two-armed) spiral structure, and a central concentration of stars known as the bulge, which is similar in appearance to an elliptical galaxy. They are given the symbol "S". Roughly half of all spirals are also observed to have a bar-like structure, extending from the central bulge. These barred spirals are given the symbol "SB".
- Lenticular galaxies (designated S0) also consist of a bright central bulge surrounded by an extended, disk-like structure but, unlike spiral galaxies, the disks of lenticular galaxies have no visible spiral structure and are not actively forming stars in any significant quantity.

2. The waveleght dependent sizes and profiles of galaxies.

3. - Spiral Galaxies : Spirals that have large, bright bars of stars and material cutting across their central sections are called “barred spirals”. A large majority of galaxies have these bars, and astronomers study them to understand what function they play within the galaxy. In addition to bars, many spirals may also contain supermassive black holes in their cores. Subgroups of spirals are defined by the characteristics of their bulges, spiral arms, and how tightly wound those arms are.
- Elliptical Galaxies : Elliptical galaxies are roughly egg-shaped (ellipsoidal or ovoid) found largely in galaxy clusters and smaller compact groups. Most ellipticals contain older, low-mass stars, and because they lack a great deal of star-making gas and dust clouds, there is little new star formation occurring in them. Ellipticals can have as few as a hundred million to perhaps a hundred trillion stars, and they can range in size from a few thousand light-years across to more than a few hundred thousand. Astronomers now suspect that every elliptical has a central supermassive black hole that is related to the mass of the galaxy itself. Messier 87 is an example of an elliptical galaxy. There are some subgroups of ellipticals, including “dwarf ellipticals” with properties that put them somewhere between regular ellipticals and the tightly knit groups of stars called globular clusters.
- Irregular Galaxies : Irregular galaxies are as their name suggests: irregular in shape. The best example of an irregular that can be seen from Earth is the Small Magellanic Cloud. Irregulars usually do not have enough structure to characterise them as spirals or ellipticals. They may show some bar structure, they may have active regions of star formation, and some smaller ones are listed as “dwarf irregulars”, very similar to the very earliest galaxies that formed about 13.5 billion years ago. Irregulars are characterised by their structures (or lack of them).
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