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"Are you ready?" He asked.
"I don't think anyone is ready for a death like this." She told him looking down at the ocean that was under her.
"Well some people like you just have to deal with it now don't we." He tells her wrapping his arm around her shoulder and looking over the edge of the boat with her.
"I don't know why you're saying 'we', last time I checked I'm the one being drowned alive while you go back to land and pretend to not know what happened with me." She says reaching up and touching the hand that was on her shoulder.
"Don't worry, I'll be with you soon enough." He tells her kissing her forehead lightly pulling her even closer to him sighing and smelling the salty air.
"Lets just say an 'accidental' fire may or may not start in two days, four hours, and 6 minutes." He says looking at the watch that was wrapped around his wrist. He smiled to himself at the thoughts of sitting in the only place he felt comfortable in burning alive, watching all the memories turn to ashes along with the body he was born into 26 years ago.
"You are one sick bastard ____________." She whispers watching the school of fish swim around with one another.
"Well, only a little. I like to think of it as finishing what I have started. I want to get rid of everything I love so no one else can have it after I'm gone and what better way to do it than these ways." He smiled looking down at her then behind around the empty ocean as they were the only two humans for miles.
"We have 4 minutes and 12 seconds before you have to be in that water. Do you have anything you want to say before the timer goes off?" He asked watching the time down to the second. It was something he always did. Always had to have every minute of everyday set up making sure he wasn't wasting any time, especially since there were times and dates that have been planned for what was years now.
"I guess I just want you to know that I love you. If I didn't I probably would have never agreed to a single thing you've told me, especially since you told me all your plans before anything happened. I could have left, could have told everyone, but I didn't and it was all because I was so lost in your mind that I couldn't even figure out what mine was trying to say. I can tell you that while I wanted to live past the age 25, it doesn't bother me that I'm not going to be able to." She lied knowing he was to stuck in his own loop that he missed the hole she crawled out of without him realizing it.
"You truly were the love of my life." He said turning her completely towards him and giving her a real hug wanting to feel her against him. She slowly brought her arms around his waist hugging him back and laying her head on his chest. To him, he thought she was just getting ready to leave the Earth. To her she was getting ready to breath for another day.
He thought they thought alike, that he was always ahead but he was wrong. She was 4 steps ahead of him without him knowing.
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