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Little John (Robin's Second in Command, largest and strongest of the Merry Men)
Mitch (or Much) the Miller's Son (Youngest of the Merry Men)
Will Scarlet (Robin's Only Living relative, a cousin, nephew or brother in different versions)
Will Stutely (One of Robin's officers)
Friar Tuck
Alan-a-Dale (A Minstrel)
Marian (Robin's Girlfriend/Wife)
David of Doncaster (An informer)
Arthur Abland (A poacher who Robin rescues)

And many others...

Once upon a time...

In a place called Sherwood Forest, There was a supposed “hero” named Robin Hood. Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor, Of course Robin Hood was only a hero in the eyes of the poor, but to many who Robin Hood stole from, like myself, he is a thief and should be brought to justice! My family was one of the first that he stole from, Robin Hood took all we had. My well known and prosperous family was brought down to the ashes by that thief, Robin Hood....

Robin Hood
- The Sheriff of Nottingham

I blearily awoke in my small prison, and rose from my uncomfortable lump of a bed. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, I went to the basin of water that my “jailer” had put in my room. After washing my face and getting dressed in a dirty blue dress. I tried the door, it was locked. I sighed and layed down on my bed and waited... I didn't remember falling asleep but the next thing I knew my door was flying open and a stranger was standing in the door. He was a tall man with blond hair. He moved so swiftly I barely noticed the movement. I didn't even have time to scream as he put a handkerchief to my mouth and I lost consciousness. I awoke to him knocking on a wooden door, A man's voice yelled “I'm coming, I'm coming!” A slot in the door opened and two green eyes were fixed on my kidnapper and me. “Password?” the man with green eyes said.
“Sheriff of Nottingham Wanted Dead or Alive.” said my kidnapper. The eyes stared at me and the man behind the door said “You got her? Congratulations! Um, does she remember?” The door opened, and a short and stout man with black hair and a handle bar mustache, was standing on a small stool so he could look through the slot in the door. The short man smiled and said “My, Robin, she looks just like her mother!” The short man scratched his ear. “Well, we must feast! Come Robin!'” The short man lead Robin who was holding on to my arm, into a big room that smelled of beer and ale, the room was filled with men of all sizes. “Well, well, well, Robin Hood found his laddy, did he?” one of the taller men shouted as we entered. Robin Hood smiled and pulled out his knife. “Indeed I did Will.” He let go of my arm. I spun around just in time to see the short man with the mustache closing and locking the door. I cursed and scowled.
“I am not going to sell you and you. Are. Not. Garbage.” Robin Hood said fiercly.
“Now, now little John, she hasn't a clue what is going on, don't me hard on her.” said Robin Hood. I glared at Robin Hood. “I understand enough to know that you kidnapped me, oh, yes you drugged me also! And thanks to you I am now a fugitive! I was in jail until-” A sudden thought hit me. “I'll be tagged an accomplice! Take me back, now!”
“I can't.” said Robin Hood. He actually looked sorry, I almost felt bad about hating him so until he said. “They'll hang you if I take you back, but of course if you still want me to take you,” He sighed. “I will.”
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