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PPI, additional details: picture of me that i dont want on twitter, reported content: goodnight @mention (pero di reporter) tas may photo attached na nakahiga LOL tas may pangalan na Robin, user safety: no convo, not majority abusive = asking for ID, no vio, rr48r

violent threats, additional details: i dont know him then he tweeted this kind of tweets, reported tweets: 5 1. isa na lang talaga 2. tangina nyo HAHAHA LOL 3 para kayong tanga eh LOL 4 @mentionreporter tanga HAHHAA LOL 5 @mentionreporter putanginanyo HAHAHHA LOL user safety: dalawang huli sa reported twts, not majority abusive, guano: no history of strikes = bounce, episodic hc, action taken. account locked, some removed HC

hateful conduct no addtional details reported content: none user safety: none, majority healthy = no action, no vio, rne

private information facebook messenger and should not be posted on twitter publicly, reported content mentioned si reporter screenshhot ng convo sa messenger, user safety: wala naman, majority wala din = no action, no vio, rpnwp

hateful conduct have to reply at everything TLDR, 5 reported twts na laging naka @mention si reporter tweet1 @mention +madami filipino cunt LMAO, tweet2 u are a little following bitch LMFAO fuck u tweet3 ingram stan LUL tweet4 picture ng basketball player @mention si reporter tweet5 lebron better LUL + gif user safety: same as reported twts, majorioty healthy guano: 1st bounce HC october-ish = bounce, episodic hc, action taken account locked some removed HC

hateful conduct homophobic, reported content 1 = christmas message from david @mention +img -,- user safety: comment lang majority healthy = no action no vio m1

violent threats ban queer phobes LUL, reported content @mention x2 pero wala si reporter "homosexuality is a sin jack", currntly bounced, majority healthy, guano: bounced for APHC sa ATT 2nd strike ATT = no action, no vio, m1

PPI screenshot hehe LOL, reported tweet 1 "call todays game off +picture ng DM" user safety = walang abusive, majority healthy = no action, no vio, rpnwp

hateful conduct, completely offensive (must be suspended completely LOL) reported twt (deleted) "jsut created nigger cancer" no @mention, majority healthy twts, currently bounced, guano: nov 30 2017 APHC 1st strike ATT, one off ATT regular episodic dec 17 2017, dec 23 ATT 2nd strike HC di pa nakakaexit,
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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