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Gordon Moore
• Known for the Moore's law observation in 1965.
• Predicted there would be a gain of computer memory every 18 to 24 months
Stone Age (15000 to 3000 BC)
• Simple Development such as fir, wheel (about 3500 BC in Mesopotamia), writing (Mesopotamia), Domestication of animals, tools for hunting and fishing
Bronze Age (3000BC)
• Bronze is the metal of choice during this era and it is used for smelting to create alloys and other tools needed during this age
• There is an increase in the use of plants and animals for domestication
• Division of labor is invented (dividing the work amongst others in the tribe or family to gain better completion rates
• Religion and government became prevalent at this time.
• Due to food being plentiful there was an increase in the population
Iron Ages (500 BC to 500 AD)
• Iron is more durable and cheaper than bronze
• Since iron is more durable it requires more heat and fire to melt or smelt it which requires more trees to be cut down causing deforestation
• Water is known to be a great source of energy with the use of turbines and water mills.
• The disposal of solid waste become a great issue at this time.
The Middle Ages (5000AD to 1500AD)
• Increase in pollution from human and animals waste and remains
• Mills and foundries are more plentiful
• Gun powder was invented
• Water still remains a great power source
• Wood is still used as an energy source
• Sailing ships are used for transport of goods and travel
The Renaissance 1500 AD to 1750 AD
• Many innovations to earlier inventions such as the eyeglasses, printing press, gunpowder, clocks, and flushable toilets
• Techniques for innovations evolved
• Sir Isaac newton is widely recognized for the "three laws of motion"
• Wood use was replaced with coal
The Industrial Revolution 1750 to 1900
• More industrial plants and factories were built
• The stream engine is created and is known as one of the most important inventions of its time
• Engineering education is finally taught formally
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