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Eril The Red (Viking) Location: Norway(Later Greenland) Time Period: 10th Century

-Erik the Red was the first European to land on and settle in Greenland.
-Full name is Erik Thorvaldsson.
-Lived from 950 CE to 1005 CE. Cause of dead was illness.
-Nationality: Norseman, Born in Norway.
-He wanted to discover islands west of Iceland.

Early Life: Called Erik the Red because of his red hair. Moved from Norway to Hawkdale, marrying and building a farm called Eriksstead. After a while, Erik's slaves caused a landslide that crushed a neighboring house, killing the person who lived there. The relative of the dead man killed the slaves, causing Erik to go and kill him. After the death, Erik was banished from Hawkdale. Out of frustration, Erik seized control of two small islands at the mouth of the fjord and on one he built a second farm, also calling it Eriksstead. Making an agreement with a man to allow him to take decorative timbers for himself. When Erik wished the timbers back, the man refused. Erik went and attacked the man's family, likely killing his two sons. When court was set for the two opposing sides, Erik was found guilty. He was going to flee, but his friends successfully.

In 982 BCE, Erik decided he wanted to start fresh, wishing to sail to the islands west from Iceland. He soon resided on his own island, naming it Eiriksey. (Translated to: Erik's Island.) He formed an adventuring group and traveled around the unmarked islands, claiming them and naming them, his first name included in them in some way. Erik’s exile ended a few seasons after. He sailed back by Cape Farewell to return to Iceland in the summer of 985 CE. In total, Erik the Red had sailed over six thousand miles in only four sailing seasons, making it one of the greatest maritime feats achieved during the medieval period.

After a while of his return, he became entangled in a bitter fight with his neighbor. After losing so many times, he declared a truce before returning the the islands he claimed. Deciding to colonize there, naming it Greenland in hopes to attract more people to the land. Nearly 20 ships left for Greenland, only 14 ships making it that far. These boats carried living supplies and livestock with nearly 400 people in each one.

Legacy: Erik is honored for his discovery and settlement of Greenland. Erik’s son, the famed explorer Leifr Eiriksson, would go on to become the first European to arrive in North America.
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