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*beep* *beep* *beep* I let my alarm ring three times before I got up. I honestly considered hitting snooze, but today was the big day.

I turned on the shower, letting the warm water trickle down my body.

I got out the shower, and picked out a white lace top, with a burgundy throw over, jeans, and converse.

I grabbed my bag, and headed down the stairs, where I could smell breakfast.

"Good morning ,dear. Breakfast will be on the table in a minute," my mum called from the kitchen.

"Morning mum," I said, kissing her on the cheek.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands covering my eyes. "Guess who?" my older brother's voice rang through my ears.

"DAN!" I yelled, turning to give him a hug. "I thought you said you had something going on," smacking his chest.

"I couldn't miss my little sister's first day of school."

"Breakfast is ready," mum called.

"Gail, do you want me to drive you today?" my mom asked.

"No I think I'm actually going to take the bus, thank you though."

"Are you sure?" she asked, concern laced in her tone.

"You want to ride the bus?" Dan asked, almost disgusted.

"I'll be fine. It's just part of the experience, I guess. Speaking of the bus, I have to go."

I gave my mum and brother hugs, and rushed out the house.

I made it to the bus stop just as it arrived. I was the last on the bus. All eyes turned to me.

Everyone already had their friends, and seats. Those who sat alone, shifted to the outside as I passed them.

As I neared the back, guys whistled at me, and girls shot me glares.

Just as a mean looking girl was about to say something to me, someone tugged on my arm, pulling me into the seat.

"Just sit, you can thank me later," the person said. It was a boy with fluffy brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a jawline that could cut a man.

"Another Aussie," I said, more to myself, but loud enough for him to hear. "You know others?" He asked.

"Yeah, my guide yesterday was Australian," I told him.

"What was his name?"

"Luke, I think."

"Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, lip ring?" he described him.

"That's the guy," I said. "Oh, stay away from him. You can thank me later," he said, his expression changing from one of a small puppy, to one of unpleasant recognition.

"Why? He seemed perfectly nice to me," I asked, confused as to his reaction.

"Just stay away from him, okay?" He said, turning to face the window. We didn't talk for the rest of the ride.

The bus came to a halt outside of the school. "Calum Hood," the boy broke the silence. He turned to face me, his hand outstretched to mine.

"Gail Howell," I shook his hand. With that, we got of the bus, and headed our separate ways.
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