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Feelsl ike Koean teams get barons faster as they use their spells on it freely, cause they are confident in their ability to disengage safely if enemy team comes

analyse pick and bans with respect to the worlds meta

jhin works best when you have a frontline that can draw attention onto itself, while jhin casts ult. However, it is TSM that picks full in comp vs SSG with Jhin and Viktor. Jhin is also good though in early mid game for its pick potential with its W and R

TSM has so much speed ups, but because they locked themselves into baron dance, they couldnt utilise speeds and kennen flanks. they couldn`t split push either, cause all lanes were pushed and they were not threatening side lanes. Tahm can be very fast too, but he is much harder to coordinate, cause he always needs to be close to action and close to teammate to tp him. Being always close to each other reduces gold generate as you dont enjoy whole maps benefits

disagree with kennen 2nd blade as it is not a game of inches in the top lane (especially vs rumble), but rather massive tf presence where early speed item and zhonyas are much more valuable

woudl bjergsen die with ult if karma didnt shield hiM?

because of high ssg waveclear and the fact they accept their early game loss and wait for tf scales, tsm has hard time getting 2nd turret of the game. So they all wait for the objectives to try and force smth. dragon, baron, even red buff

20ish TSM can invade aggresively mid top jungle as they know enemy bot is far and hauntze has tp for potential 5v3. Thus they trade towers, but gain full jungle control around baron pit as it spawns. If only they had initiation to utilise vision advantage, but they only have kennen flank. plus 5v5 ssg know they wont start baron

22 tsm rpbably wanted to kill rumble to remove tp from ssg and look for 5v4 power plays, however they both lost too much hp and ended up releasing map pressure and losing thr very crucial mid tower. instead of desired 5v4 turned into 3v4. Bjergsen was healthy enough to defend mid tower, but they didnt realise ssg couldnt force it so fast

v7:50 they know olaf started red and cant gank top early, cause he need blue for his mana. so rumble could push
v11:40 tiamat vs pot. olafs clear speed advantage is gone, reksai can clear fast and act as a mobile ward on map or get to places faster and gank, invade, ward
v22:30 ssg mistake

ssg changed the pace so fast, tsm didnt expected, as proof unsafe path for olaf and late ult, and kennen noy backing for tp and zilean backbacking with good hp instead of help holding mid

nultiple speed ups team is good when ahead, cause easy to snowball and good at lane collapses, but bad in straight up 5v5 cause speed loses at the combat efficiency and plus it created distance between your fronline and backlne, making backline get damage earlier than backline can support it

v3:00 jhin might be first picked cause DL picked it in all 3 previous games

analyse 7:40 adn 14:30 bot swap for top 2nd time

maybe rumble loses in cs to kennen cause he just focuses on perma pushing for some reason. maybe its his playstyle to push out and roam, but in this match up it is not necessary, cause rumble is not aroamer, reksai is not a big invader and kennen is not a roamer too to keep him busy

look for moments in game, when tsm could pull the trigger on the edge of their resources, but didnt

15:30, why not go for the top tower? they thought they can save bot tower
20:10 TSM invades top enemy jungle while wave didnt hit the tower to zone SSG from tower and also gain info

22:30 crown decides to help rumble, despite tsm 3 members being seen on a ward, they could potentially collaps for 4v3, which they did later, but only because of TSM mistake
SSG themselves didnt see the opportunity for killing tsm (cause Crown kept trying towards Rumble), they just wanted mid tower pressure and take it if they are lucky, but tsm got caught

26:30 TSM looks for a fight, as they have a tp advantage. This is not a desperate attempt to save tower, cause not only it doesnt have a big strategic importancy, but also Rumble was threatening top tower (however, kenenn would probably lose tower to baroned minions anyway). So TSM just looks to get combat gold, get baron buff off few members (1 min left of baron) and also gain phycological advantage. If actually TSM didnt engage, they could lose bot tower, top tower and then SSG could potentially rotate mid for mid tower pressure, where SSG's tp disadvantage would not matter

27:40. When TSM get pressure off the map, Bio frost doesnt rush into river and ward it. Not only they cant afford to let SSG run away with advantage cause they scale better, but also SSG has a very good pick potentioal, that is deadly with lack of vision. Bio just roams randomly LUL. He probably misjudges SSG time to come from base to river and is scared to get there
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