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Para mi diccionario:

1. (si usted desea ...) we will have our next BBLS (Brown Bag Learning
Session) this Friday at 11:30. You are welcome to bring lunch if you wish to.

2. (estará ......ando ....) Ryan will be presenting this week.

3. (pienso que no) I don't think so.
(pienso que si) I think so.

4. If the hour is 0 (zero), the script displays "midnight."
If the hour is 12, the script displays "noon."

5. More than anything else: Más que ningún otro

6. In addition to that: además de eso

7. I will: lo haré

8. That will be great!: eso será magnífico.

9. Keep in mind that .... : tenga presente que ....

10. But please, don't get me wrong : Pero por favor, no me malinterprete.

11. give it the benefit of a doubt: démole el beneficio de la duda.

12. Of course not!: claro que no !

13. We are currently having trouble with ..... : Estamos actualmente teniendo problemas con ...

14. Can you fix this some time today? Puedes arreglar esto en cualquier momento de hoy?

15. It should be very nice. Sería muy chévere.

16. I could do that. Yo podría hacer eso.

17. Hello all. Hola todos

18. For those of you who may not know. Para aquellos de Ustedes quienes no sabían

19. Keeping you up to date. Mantenerte actualizado.

20. I wanted to thank all of you who... Yo quise agradecerles a todos ustedes quienes...

21. We are so thankful and grateful for your support and kindness. Estamos muy agradecidos y ... por su soporte y amabilidad.

22. It has been the most terrifying two weeks of our lives. Han sido las dos semanas más terribles de nuestras vidas.

23. All our love: ..., ..., ..., Con todo nuestro cariño: .., ..., ..
I'll load it up today and let you know how it goes.
Can you here me OK?
Yesterday before I left for the airport, I ....
Yesterday before I left for San Diego
take notice of (darse cuenta de)
I have taken notice of ...
I am just about to do it. (estoy a punto de hacerlo) I am just about to.
The submission is due by the end of this week and I will be sending it overnight via federal express today.
What did you say? Que dijiste?
What do we do about ...? Que hacemos acerca de ...
Thanks for running it by me. Gracias por hacerlo por mi.
Notice that ... Dese cuenta que ...
I await your OK.: espero por su OK.
I am pretty much done : ya casi esta hecho
on the one hand...on the other hand
something that you say when you are speaking about two different facts or two opposite ways of thinking about a situation. On the one hand, I'd like more money, but on the other hand, I'm not prepared to work the extra hours in order to get it. On the one hand, you complain that you're lonely, and on the other hand you won't come to parties with me.
in the next week or so: en la proxima semana mas o menos
I would have never thought that ...
Yo nunca hubiera pensado que ...
You should upgrade your Flash player to Flash 9, if you have not already done so.
Usted deberia actualizar su Flash Player to Flash 9, si todavia no lo ha hecho.
It appears that address does not belong to MAIN STREET, but rather to OAK AVE.
Parece que la direccion no pertenece a MAIN STREET, sino mas bien a OAK AVE.
don't know how I missed that!
No se como se paso eso!
Thanks for running it by me.
Gracias por hacerlo por mi.
it would be good to ...
seria bueno ...
. is a good one. (to walk every day is a good one) . es bueno. (caminar todos los dias es bueno)
Please be advised ....
Por favor esta informado que ...
If you see an underscore be wary
si ve un underscore este alerta
when do you want it done by?
Para cuando quiere Usted que sea hecho?
I think it has something to do with ...
Yo pienso que ello tiene que ver con ...
It wasn t me!
Yo no fui !
if and only if ....
si y solo si ...
a friend of mine ...
un amigo mio ...
You don't have to change anything
Usted no tiene nada que cambiar
It fixes the problem of assigning users caused by the presence of multiple system roles.
Corrige el problema de asignar usuarios causado por la presencia de multiples roles del sistema.
Me estoy alistando para ...
I am getting ready to ...
Me estaba preguntando si Usted desea ir a ...
I but was wondering whether you wished to go to ...
ahora (adverbio)
at this time
cambiar lo a ...
to switch him over to ...
Eso not tiene sentido para mi bajo ninguna circunstancia That makes no sense to me at all
Me he perdido de algo aqui?
Have I missed something here?
Si Usted no se ha dado cuenta, yo estaba entrando en panico.
In case you hadn't noticed, I was beginning to panic.
I could not establish ...
No pude establecer ...
This seems to be what is causing the problem.
Esto parece ser lo que esta causando el problema.
That makes the most sense to me.
Eso es lo que a mi me parece mejor.
Jason called just after I sent this out
Jason llamo justo despues que yo envie esto
Heading to server room
iendome al centro de computo
I just got back from Lunch
Acabo de llegar de almorzar
I just tried to call and skype you, but no luck Trate de llamarte y contactarte por skype sin suerte
Can we push our meeting to 3 pm today?
Podemos mover la reunion para las tres de la tarde?
Damelo cuando puedas
get it to me when you can
As far as I am concerned ......
En lo que a mi respecta .....
I will let you all know what our next steps will be.
Les hare saber a todos cuales seran nuestros proximos pasos
The fix for updating the OPOC data should be installed in the next day or so.
La correcion para actualizar los datos de OPOC deberia estar instalada el siguiente dia mas o menos.
Users work with them and so do programmers.
Los usuarios trabajan con ellos y por lo tanto los programadores.
No estoy seguro que pasa con eso.
not sure what's up with that
no importa
never mind
Deme un minuto y ya hablamos.
give me a minute and I will come chat.
it is very much like that.
Es bastante parecido a eso.
As you may remember, ...
Como Usted podra acordarse, ....
It would be a good idea ....
Seria una buena idea ...
See ya at the movies!
Nos vemos en el cine!
this is working as intended: esto esta trabajando como se supone
As you all know ...: como todos ustedes saben ...
shortly: dentro de poco
How is everything going?
Como van las cosas?
believe it or not ...
Crealo o no ...
it would be good if he could get with Carl about ticket #46.
seria bueno si el pudiera con Carl trabajar en el tickect #46.
I beleive so, one moment ...
Creo que si, un momento ...
what we have done so far is ...
lo que he hecho hast ahora es ...
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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